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Trump To Be Sworn In Using Two Historic Bibles



Clear Facts

  • Donald Trump will be sworn in on two Bibles: one given by his mother and the historic Lincoln Bible.
  • The Bible from his mother was presented to him in 1955 at a church in Jamaica, New York.
  • The Lincoln Bible has been used in several inaugurations, including those of President Obama and Trump’s first inauguration.

As Donald Trump prepares to take the oath of office for his second term as President of the United States, he will do so with his hand on two Bibles. This symbolic gesture marks the culmination of the 60th Presidential Inauguration.

One of the Bibles is deeply personal to Trump, having been gifted to him by his mother in 1955. This Bible was given to commemorate his graduation from Sunday Church Primary School at First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, New York, as noted by his inaugural committee.

The Bible is a 1953 revised standard version, published by Thomas Nelson and Sons in New York. It bears Trump’s name embossed on the cover, alongside signatures of church officials and an inscription with the details of its presentation.

In addition to this cherished family heirloom, Trump will also use the Lincoln Bible. This historic text was first used in 1861 to swear in President Abraham Lincoln.

“It has only been used three times since, by President Obama at each of his inaugurations and by President Trump at his first inauguration in 2017,” according to Trump’s team. The Lincoln Bible, bound in burgundy velvet, is a treasured item within the Library of Congress collections.

Interestingly, President Obama also chose to take his oath on two Bibles in 2013, one of which was the Lincoln Bible.

As Trump stands inside the Capitol’s rotunda, he will be facing a bust of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., fittingly on the federal holiday that honors King’s legacy.

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.




  1. Evey

    January 20, 2025 at 6:26 am

    Why does Pres.Trimp have to face a bust of Martin Luther King he isn’t God.

    • Peggy Guidry

      January 20, 2025 at 5:01 pm

      Ii saw President Trump raise his right hand but never saw his left hand on the Bible’s. Was that shown and I missed them?

  2. Alexander Porter

    January 20, 2025 at 7:35 am

    It doesn’t matter which Bible He uses for the swearing-in. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    Let’s see if he follows the Bible and biblical teachings or if the TRUE Trump that we all know and have become accustomed TO, WILL SURFACE.


  3. CJM

    January 20, 2025 at 9:37 am

    RSV really stupid version is a counterfeit bible. Is the Lincoln Bible even King James? It didn’t do trump any good for his non existent salvation. Same with O’Sodo.

  4. PvA

    January 20, 2025 at 11:12 pm

    Peggy Guidry is 100% correct, as 47 raised his right hand, but never placed his left hand on the two Bibles that Melania presented. Good catch!

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