Clear Facts Comedy legend Carol Burnett, who turns 91 in April, humorously expressed her birthday wish to spend time with Hollywood actor Bradley Cooper. Despite her...
Clear Facts Patricia Arquette shared her distressing experience filming the nude scene for “Lost Highway” in a recent interview. Arquette faced crude comments from the crew...
Clear Facts Princess Kate, the Princess of Wales, has disclosed in a video message that she is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer following major abdominal surgery. She...
Clear Facts Robyn Bernard, a star of the 1980s ABC soap opera “General Hospital,” was found dead in a field in San Jacinto, California, early Tuesday...
Clear Facts Charles Spencer, the younger brother of Princess Diana, has revealed in his new memoir, “A Very Private School,” that he was sexually abused as...
Clear Facts Darryl Strawberry, a former star of the New York Mets and Yankees, has suffered a heart attack and is currently recovering at SSM Health...
Clear Facts Gina Carano, known for her roles in “The Mandalorian,” “Fast & Furious 6,” and “Deadpool,” has joined the management company, Straightwire Entertainment. Carano is...
Clear Facts Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have reportedly moved their two daughters, Esmeralda and Amada, out of Los Angeles to avoid them growing up “around...