Clear Facts Hollywood actor Gabriel Olds, recognized for his roles in television series such as “Law & Order” and “NCIS,” is facing seven counts of sexual...
Clear Facts Renowned for her role in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” Patti Yasutake passed away at 70, following a prolonged battle with cancer. Yasutake’s acting...
Clear Facts Beloved fitness icon and television personality from the 1980s, Richard Simmons, passed away on Saturday, a day after his 76th birthday. Simmons’ death was...
Clear Facts Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a renowned sex therapist and cultural icon, passed away at her Manhattan home at the age of 96. She gained popularity...
Clear Facts Tony Knight, the renowned comedian, tragically lost his life at the age of 54 during the Rock’&’Cars Festival in Lavaur, France, after a tree...
Clear Facts View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kate Beckinsale (@katebeckinsale) In a recent social media post, Hollywood A-list actress Kate Beckinsale revealed...
Clear Facts Gena Rowlands, veteran actress notably seen as the older Allie in “The Notebook,” has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, as disclosed by her son....
Clear Facts A charger connected to a Tesla vehicle is believed to have sparked a fire in the residence of NFL player, Randall Cobb. Cobb’s wife,...