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Colorado Schools: From Education to Unauthorized Immigrant Support Services



Clear Facts

  • Several Colorado communities, including Denver and Aurora, have found their schools playing the role of social support agencies to cater to an increasing number of children of unauthorized immigrants.
  • These students receive complimentary food, clothing, shoes, healthcare, and education, all funded by taxpayers.
  • The increased enrolments, absence of prior schooling, and language barriers present a significant challenge to the education system and its staff.

Colorado’s education system is undergoing a significant and concerning shift. Denver, Aurora, and many other communities have seen their schools transform into ad hoc social service agencies, providing for the needs of a large number of children of unauthorized immigrants. These facilities not only offer education but also provide meals, clothes, footwear, healthcare services, and more, all financed through taxpayer funds.

One poignant example of this shift involves a young boy named Alberto. An eleven-year-old with no prior schooling and lack of English language skills, Alberto is now part of a fourth-grade classroom. This situation is unfavorable not only for him but also for his classmates.

The case of Alberto isn’t an isolated incident; the Aurora school system has witnessed an influx of over 2,800 children of unauthorized immigrants. Moreover, this crisis isn’t limited to Aurora. Denver, the state’s largest school district, has seen a surge of more than 3,700 such children in just the 2023-2024 school year.

The paper reported, “It usually welcomes about 500 children of unauthorized immigrants a year, but in the past year, that number has skyrocketed to 250 every week, with the ongoing border crisis.”

The ramifications for educators are significant, with overwhelmed staff and stretched resources. Janine Dillabaugh, the principal of Eagleton Elementary in Denver, highlighted the impact on teachers, stating, “When you have 17 kids in your classroom, and then the next day you have 35, you’re essentially starting from scratch.”

Dillabaugh also noted the need to address their social and emotional needs, referring to disciplinary issues, violent behavior, and frustration among students unfamiliar with the structure of a classroom environment.

The demand for bilingual teachers has surged due to the influx of students with limited English skills. Yet, Spanish-English curriculum falls short as students arrive speaking a variety of languages such as Afghan, Chinese, East Asian languages, various African dialects, and more.

Schools are not only dealing with language barriers and educational gaps but also students arriving with inappropriate clothing and untreated medical conditions. This situation has transformed schools into miniature social service agencies that offer comprehensive care even for the children’s parents.

A Venezuelan woman expressed her gratitude, saying, “This is the only place I feel supported. Clothes, WiFi, food, shoes — they help with everything.” She even received free dental care, illustrating the expanding role schools are taking on.


Unfortunately, this crisis is impacting the quality of Colorado’s education. The desperate need for bilingual teachers has given rise to hiring immigrants who might have been educators in their native countries, including those whose teaching practices might not align with American norms.

Moreover, school budgets are under severe pressure, with many districts demanding additional funding to support the rising number of students. While some argue the federal government should assume responsibility, it’s the local taxpayers who are bearing the significant burden, facing higher taxes and reduced services.

The problem is escalating, not improving. With the ongoing surge of unauthorized immigrants, American schools and taxpayers are facing increasing pressure.

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.





    April 29, 2024 at 12:58 pm

    children of unauthorized, illegal alien, usurping, LAW BREAKERS.

    Get it right for a change.

  2. Ole sleepy Joe

    May 2, 2024 at 6:53 am

    Oh but to a Democrat these are all future Democrat voters.

  3. anthony prag

    May 2, 2024 at 6:53 am

    schools are NOT breading grounds for any illegal person. Refuse all undocumented people — taxpayers should NOT have to pay !!!

  4. Robert Cymraeg

    May 2, 2024 at 7:12 am

    This insane situation has been precipitated by Joe Biden and his Democrat government. Allowing millions of illegal entries to the US. The problem can be partially corrected by stopping any further incursions. Those already in the US need to be repatriated. The US is NOT in need of new population as it was 150 years ago. ‘Coyotes’ are making a fortune from these people, many are no doubt terrorists and it needs to stop now. Children are being used as pawns.

    • MikeinAppalachia

      May 2, 2024 at 1:51 pm

      More accurately, this situation was and is precipitated by Obama.

  5. Betty

    May 2, 2024 at 8:04 am

    The biggest thing is that it is hindering the US child from getting a good education since many if not most of the illegals have no education from their home country and need a lot of time and expense to even try to get them up to the level of their age. Their parent has no education and can not help them at home. Many don’t speak English or even attempt to learn. All that is going to happen is the children of today are going to learn less each day.

  6. I.R. Wayright

    May 2, 2024 at 8:54 am

    Here is what will happen. Your school taxes will go up to the point that you can’t afford to pay them anymore. Then they kick you out of your home to make room for free housing for illegals. The solution is to stop voting for the ones responsible for this mess. Otherwise, hunting season will start early this year.

  7. Kennon C Domingue

    May 2, 2024 at 10:49 am

    These are criminal invaders all thanks to loony joe and the moron democrats. “Life is Hard, it’s even harder when you are stupid”. A plane ride back to mexico and release those invaders at approximately 5,000 feet without a parachute and let mexico clean their mess. Even give the democrats a free trip to mexico and release them also at 5,000 feet with out a parachute.

    • EMMA

      May 2, 2024 at 12:59 pm


  8. Terry

    May 13, 2024 at 10:44 pm

    Adding to the problems we already have with public education now, we add hundreds of ILLEGAL students that either have no formal education and/or do not speak English. Spanish speaking instructors should not hard to find. On the other hand finding one from China, or Russia, etc may be difficult. Then add on the burden of feeding, clothing, etc and the school stops being a school and becomes welfare agency. Just what the liberals want.

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