Clear Facts In a surprising turn of events, viewers tuning into the Formula 1 Mexico Grand Prix on Sunday were met with unexpected election results flashing...
Clear Facts In a recent political clash, former President Donald Trump has taken a stand against President Joe Biden’s controversial remarks, which labeled millions of Republican...
Clear Facts The Supreme Court has allowed Virginia to remove individuals identified as noncitizens from its voter rolls. A lower court order preventing the removal of...
Clear Facts Former President Donald Trump is focusing on a future-oriented vision for America, emphasizing economic concerns and proposing new policies. Vice President Kamala Harris is...
Clear Facts Police in Buenos Aires conducted a raid on CasaSur Palermo Hotel as part of the investigation into Liam Payne’s death. Authorities are focusing on...
Clear Facts Prescription painkillers, especially opioids, pose significant addiction risks and potential for overdose. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen can lead to serious health issues, including hospitalizations...
Clear Facts Walmart is offering an “inflation-free Thanksgiving meal” for less than $7 per person, available both in-store and online. The company is expanding its same-day...
Clear Facts Amazon Prime members can now save 10 cents per gallon at approximately 7,000 gas stations in the U.S. The discount is available at BP,...