Clear Facts The world of gold investing is a labyrinth of fascinating stories and unexpected regulations. One such intriguing rule revolves around the 1933 Double Eagle...
Clear Facts Consumers in South Korea can now access gold bars in vending machines, as demand for the commodity rises amid ongoing global inflation. Sales of...
Clear Facts The escalating tensions between the United States and Iran have reached a critical point, with the possibility of a direct conflict becoming increasingly likely....
Clear Facts Walmart has introduced a new payment method at its self-checkout registers, allowing customers to borrow up to $4,000 instantly. Financial experts are cautioning consumers...
Clear Facts President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, which provided a temporary 100% tax write-off for certain business assets, has tapered to...
Clear Facts The U.S. national debt has reached $34 trillion for the first time, just three months after surpassing $33 trillion. The federal government’s borrowing costs...
Clear Facts The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has announced a price increase for a First-Class Mail Forever stamp from 66 to 68 cents, effective from Jan....
Clear Facts In a remarkable fiscal milestone, retail giant Costco announced the sale of over $100 million in gold bars during the first quarter of 2024....