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The coronavirus pandemic already claimed the lives of young people by the hundreds in the U.S




  • Medical experts previously ruled out that older people are the most at risk to suffer severe complications due to COVID-19.
  • Data showed, however, that younger people are also vulnerable, with or without underlying health problems.
  • From the beginning, Dr Fauci, along with other medical experts,  repeatedly warned younger people to take the coronavirus pandemic seriously.

While medical experts all over the world agree that the most susceptible people to succumb to the coronavirus are older people, younger people tested positive with the illness who have underlying health conditions, are not exempted.

A report published by The Washington Post on Wednesday said that no less than 759 younger people who are aged below 50 died due to COVID-19 in the U.S. The outlet also noted that out of this total, at least 190 are in their 30s, and 45 people who died are individuals in their 20s.

Patients who are below 20 years old are not invincible either, as the Post also reported at least nine people on the group died because of the virus.

The outlet, however, also noted that the exact number of fatalities among young people might be higher than what was reported as some states do not list COVID-19 deaths as per age bracket.

It was since last month when Dr Anthony Fauci, U.S. infectious disease expert, along with other health professionals, continuously cautioned younger people in the U.S not to take the coronavirus crisis lightly, as anyone, regardless of age, are still at risk in getting the bug.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had an initial assessment of the issue, and the agency discovered that a significant percentage of COVID-19 hospitalizations are comprised of younger Americans. 

CDC said that people aged from 20 to 54 make up around 38%  of those who needed hospital confinement for virus treatment. The agency further noted that out of the 121 patients confined in the intensive care unit, almost 50% were below the age of 65.

Meanwhile, the Post also reported this week that several younger people who have been confined due to COVID-19 related cases had underlying health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and hypertension.

However, there are some cases where younger individuals, despite not having prior health issues,  still suffered from severe complications.

American epidemiologist, professor and specialist on infectious diseases at Columbia University, Stephen Morse, told the New York Times that people should listen to the findings by the CDC, noting that anyone is vulnerable to the coronavirus, notwithstanding age and health status.

Source: AOL

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