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Minneapolis Police Union President rips George Floyd by talking about his “violent, criminal history”




  • Minneapolis Police Union Chief Bob Kroll tells his organization members that the late George Floyd’s “violent criminal history” should not be forgotten.
  • Kroll enumerated Floyd’s criminal history which includes assault and robbery, theft with a firearm, and drug possession. 
  • The Minneapolis Police Union head said that protests are just the work of a “terrorist movement” and that he and his organization vow to support the four police officers who were charged with Floyd’s death.

Minneapolis Police Union President Bob Kroll told his members in a letter that: “What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd. The media will not air this.”

The police union head also posted the same sentiment on Twitter on Monday.

Before Floyd’s tragic death at the hands of former police officer Derek Chauvin, Kroll noted that he had a history of violence. In a report by The Daily Mail, he was jailed in 2009 for assault and robbery and was convicted of a range of charges from drugs to theft with a firearm. 

“It is this violent history that needs to be remembered,” said the Minneapolis Police Union President and that the protests following Floyd’s death in the city and all over the country are the work of a “terrorist movement”.

Kroll added that the terrorist movement has been brewing for years and that Minneapolis city’s issues are a product of its leaders “minimizing the size of our police force and diverting funds to community activists with an anti-police agenda.”   

He adds that a flat denial for a request to add 400 more officers to the force led to the record-breaking riot.

Kroll also vowed that he and his union would help their fellow officers, including Chauvin, who are charged with Floyd’s death.  

Kroll wrote, “I’ve worked with the four defense attorneys that are representing each of our four terminated individuals under criminal investigation, in addition with our labor attorneys to fight for their jobs. They were terminated without due process.”

Former Police Officer Derek Chauvin, the one caught on camera pinning Floyd on the neck with his knees, was fired and is the principal accused in the Floyd case while the 3 other officers at the scene are under investigation.

Source: New York Post

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