Science & Tech
Musk says Trump would have lost regardless of Twitter’s ‘election interference’

- Elon Musk made a tweet on Friday evening to call out Big Tech’s interference in the election process, saying it was “wrong.”
- Trump and some Republicans say that the Twitter Files reports are proof that the social platform interfered with the 2020 election.
- However, Musk agreed with a Twitter user that Trump still would have lost the election despite Big Tech’s interference.
Twitter CEO Elon Musk said former President Donald Trump still would have lost the 2020 presidential election despite releasing additional documents that he says prove the social media platform interfered prior to the election.
It was a response to a user who asked about Twitter’s decision to ban former Trump and its suppressing and censoring of his tweets ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
In another inquiry, Musk said social media’s preferential treatment toward one party or its presidential candidate should not be allowed.
“Twitter Files show Twitter activist employees, without basis, suppressed and censored the President of the United States in the days before the 2020 election,” the tweet read. “This is damning evidence of election interference.”
Musk agreed, saying: “Unequivocally true. The evidence is clear and voluminous.”
In a separate tweet, the CEO wrote that “there is no question that Twitter operated as a Democratic Party activist machine” during the last presidential election.
In the third installment of the “Twitter Files,” journalist Matt Taibbi revealed the context of Trump’s suspension from Twitter in January 2021. Trump was permanently suspended from the platform two days after the U.S. Capitol on January 6. The former president’s Twitter account was reinstated last month after Musk took over as the new owner.
On Friday, Musk took to his platform to call out Big Tech’s influence over the election process, saying the “Election interference by social media companies obviously undermines the public’s faith in democracy and is wrong.”
Trump and some Republicans say that the Twitter Files reports are proof that the social platform interfered with the 2020 election. Following Taibbi’s posts, Trump posted on his Truth Social account that “the biggest thing to come out of the Twitter Targeting Hoax is that the Presidential Election was RIGGED.”
YouTuber Zach Nelson was among those who pointed out that Trump had “lost 63 election lawsuits pertaining to the make-believe ‘fraud’ situation.”
“If even the courts threw out his cases it seems like Twitter was pretty justified with the ban,” Nelson added.
In response, Musk agreed that he also thinks that election interference was not the reason behind Trump’s loss.
“Do I think Trump would have lost anyway? Yes,” the CEO wrote. “And, as a reminder, I supported Biden, Hilary and Obama.
“Nonetheless, election interference by social media companies obviously undermines the public’s faith in democracy and is wrong,” Musk added.
The Twitter CEO has been working with independent reporters like Taibbi in an attempt to be more transparent about times Twitter censored its users.
Source: Newsweek

doris Lauter
December 13, 2022 at 6:47 pm
Of course, Trump was doomed to lose before the elecitoin. Biden had set up a cheating plan by using programs in Dominion mahcines that can steal votes, or do anlything you want. Give Trump half his votes, let Biden steal Trump votes. I saw it myself, the stealing. Others were paid to put Bidne votes in the mahcine over and over, many ways of their cheating. There are 200 affidavids from Sydne Powell colleciton, but no judge will look at them.. They will do it again if someone doesn’t examine the machines before voting and set videos in all the ocunting rooms.
December 14, 2022 at 9:03 am
Thank you, Doris. We all see on TV what Dominion machine were doing, how illegal votes came out from under the table, or filled the mail boxes by hackers, how official from both parties refused to see obvious fraud. Tweeter just help. And we knew Biden is nothing, real America went on the streets foe Trump. I am sorry, that Ilon was blind and voted for corrupted haters of this Country, but it does not mean, that real America wanted them. Trump won!!!