Science & Tech
Amazon workers in 40 countries stage Black Friday strike

- Amazon warehouse workers in 40 countries stage global Black Friday strike as part of the “Make Amazon Pay” movement.
- Workers complain about Amazon’s unfair pay and unsafe practices.
- Amazon workers also plan to rally in front of a residence owned by Jeff Bezos in New York City.
Black Friday is traditionally one of Amazon’s busiest days of the year. However, the tech giant faces an additional challenge this Friday when workers in almost 40 countries protest unfair pay and unsafe practices.
The protests are part of the “Make Amazon Pay” movement, which includes 80 trade unions, environmental action groups, and other organizations. They are demanding fair pay for Amazon workers and the right for workers to join unions, according to Fortune. The coalition is also demanding that Amazon pay its fair share of taxes and commit to environmental sustainability.
As part of the protests, Amazon workers in France, Germany, the US, India, Ireland, and South Africa are organizing some form of protest in their respective countries, from strikes and walkouts to demonstrations outside Amazon offices.
Amazon, for its part, acknowledged the issues put forth by ‘Make Amazon Pay’ and said it was working towards improving in areas like climate change and employee health and safety.
“We are inventing and investing significantly in all these areas, playing a significant role in addressing climate change with the Climate pledge commitment to be net zero carbon by 2040, continuing to offer competitive wages and great benefits, and inventing new ways to keep our employees safe and healthy in our operations network, to name just a few,” an Amazon spokesperson tsaid in a statement.
Amazon has attempted in more recent years to shed its longstanding reputation as a grueling place to work, rolling out programs like WorkingWell to help employees “focus on their physical and mental well-being.”
But for Amazon workers, health and safety remain a significant area of concern, with data indicating that Amazon’s brisk pace of work, for instance, increases the risk of injury for its US warehouse workers.
Source: Daily Mail

November 25, 2022 at 2:26 pm
Soo patriotic, Amazon workers that should be manufacturing these products in the USA are tired of being paid peanuts shuffling Made In Communist China crap on and off trucks.
Sadly it takes just a couple generations to lose the skilled workers, the tooling and factories needed to do so. We arrived at that point a few years ago. Your problems were self inflicted. So STFU and get back to work.
November 26, 2022 at 5:50 pm
Seattle Sucks
November 26, 2022 at 7:24 pm
And You Suck
Colby Goodson
November 26, 2022 at 7:11 am
Average warehouse pay is almost $17 an hour in the US. Stop crying. I need my stuff. Get back to work.
Fidel Hernandez
November 26, 2022 at 7:21 am
Corporate Leftists goal is to enslave us. They own most greedy politicians.
fran martin
November 26, 2022 at 7:32 am
soon, amazon will have to invest in robotics, just like the fast food franchises…..cry, cry, cry.
James Herman
November 26, 2022 at 8:11 am
They’re gonna whine and cry themselves right out of a job…
November 26, 2022 at 8:17 am
You accepted the job at the pay scale and benefits offered.. Now you gather in your Union Groups and hold owners hostage to extort more money and different benefits. You can walk away at anytime, if you choose, if things at the company doesn’t meet you standards and expectation above what you signed up for, Buttercup!
Unions and their members are thugs and extortioist, that should be arrest for their breaking the Law by extorting the compa is that employ them. The only thing they should voice their dis-satisfaction about is safety.y Other issues they disagree with is a guest they need to ask, them-selve is, should I stay or should I go find a job that offer what their expectations are.
Companies, lock strikers out and then fire them!
November 26, 2022 at 7:27 pm
Yes Sir, You are 100% Correct David.
November 27, 2022 at 7:15 pm
And these idiots wonder why jobs end up in other countries…..
November 26, 2022 at 9:18 am
If they want another job with better working conditions and better benefits join the U.S. military. The Army needs 40000 recruits and they do good all over the world and protect citizens all over the world. They also feed the hungary and provide medical care when there are disasters. Plenty of jobs outside the terrible Amazon environment. Sure when the demonstrators quit no one will take their jobs.
November 26, 2022 at 5:52 pm