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Betadine maker warns against using it as COVID-19 treatment




  • Some anti-vaxxers are reportedly into gargling and ingesting Betadine to prevent or treat Covid-19, according to Forbes.
  • Betadine is a commonly used antiseptic and not intended to be ingested.
  • Betadine’s manufacturer says its products “have not been approved to treat coronavirus”.

Following the surge of the use of parasite treatment ivermectin as an unproven and non-FDA-approved COVID-19 treatment, another drug is reportedly being misused as a coronavirus therapeutic.

It’s called Betadine. While it’s a common topical antiseptic, the iodine is not intended to be ingested. However, that’s not stopping people from doing it, Forbes reports. Claims of its use are also surfacing on social media, despite, as with ivermectin, little-to-no evidence Betadine and its generic form treat COVID-19.

Betadine is approved for cleaning skin wounds and sometimes for douching. A drug store product with a 0.5% solution is intended as a sore throat gargle, and a 10% solution is also sold for skin cleaning. Neither product is intended to be swallowed.

Forbes explains that while some studies of Betadine for COVID-19 treatment exist, the findings come with some critical asterisks. One Rutgers University study tested generic povidone iodine for COVID-19 treatment and while some potential benefits exist, the results were found in an artificial environment and were found to have damaging effects on skin cells.

Another 2020 study found some potential benefits, but researchers of both studies say more research is needed.

Avrio Health, Betadine’s manufacturer, released guidelines for Betadine use, saying its products “have not been approved to treat coronavirus” and “should only be used to help prevent infection in minor cuts, scrapes and burns.”

“Betadine Antiseptic products have not been demonstrated to be effective for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 or any other viruses,” Avrio Health said.

Avrio says its warnings apply to both its topical and throat-gargle products. The company says those who ingest more than a small amount should call a Poison Control Center immediately. Infectious disease specialist Judy Stone says symptoms of Betadine or povidone iodine poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, kidney failure, acidosis and even death.

The Centers for Disease Control urges Americans that the currently available COVID-19 vaccines — Pfizer (now fully FDA-approved), Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson — are safe and effective. While vaccines do not guarantee you won’t become infected with COVID-19, they have significant real-world data confirming they prevent severe illness and hospitalization.

Source: Fox8 News

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