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Ex-Pentagon Chief Mark Esper says Trump “threatens our democracy” [Video]




  • Mark Esper said Donald Trump “threatens our democracy” during a Fox News interview.
  • Esper pointed to the former president’s role in the January 6 insurrection and his refusal to accept the election results.
  • The former Pentagon chief also said that he hopes Trump does not seek reelection because he is too divisive for the country.

Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper told Fox News on Monday that former President Donald Trump is a threat to the nation’s democracy. Esper cited Trump’s role in inciting the January 6 insurrection and his refusal to accept he lost in the 2020 election.

“I think that given the events of January 6, given how he has undermined the election results, he incited people to come to DC, stirred them up that morning, and failed to call them off — to me, that threatens our democracy,” Esper told Fox News’ Bret Baier.

The former Pentagon chief added, “What else can you conclude, Bret?”

Esper also said he hopes Trump will not seek reelection in 2024 because he is too divisive for the nation.

“I hope the Republican base can figure out that while President Trump pushed a lot of traditional Republican ideas…that there are other candidates out there that could run that could do it without dividing the people, without creating such tension within the country, and do it by growing the base as well.”

On Tuesday, the former Defense secretary told MSNBC that he would not support Trump if he runs in 2024.

“We need a new generation of Republican leaders who will advance those core items for any Republican, right: stronger military, lower taxes, deregulation, conservative judges, you name it, we need people who can do it while also growing the Republican base and uniting the country,” Esper said.

Last week, Esper said that Trump had proposed launching missiles into Mexico to target drug cartels.

Trump has responded to some of Esper’s claims by calling him a “lightweight” and a “RINO” — a Republican in name only.


“Mark Esper was weak and totally ineffective, and because of it, I had to run the military,” Trump said in a statement to “60 Minutes.”

Esper wrote a memoir —  A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense During Extraordinary Times — on his time in the Trump administration that was published Tuesday. He has done several interviews with major outlets in recent days to promote his book.

Source: Yahoo! News



  1. CharlieSeattle

    May 11, 2022 at 6:38 pm

    Mark Esper is a liar and a traitor!

    • 2004done

      May 12, 2022 at 6:50 am

      So THAT’S WHY MSM loves him, I thought it was only the TDS, but he’s almost the rest-of-the-leftism’s-grand-slam (not proven a thief . . . YET)!

    • Bonnie McSherry

      May 12, 2022 at 2:14 pm

      Trump was the best we’ve had in a long time and did a lot of America!!

  2. Everett

    May 11, 2022 at 6:58 pm

    Trump is only a threat to the satanic, communist democrat SWAMP!!. He (constitutionally) got more things done in his first 100 days than ANY other modern (1900-2022) president because he did almost everything he promised the American people, despite congress and the senate being against him. If the illegal, communist, card carrying Kenyan oreo hadn’t divided our nation during his 8 years, there would have been NO (or a lot less) division in our country. Our country, under his leadership, was so strong, NOBODY in the world even said as much as BOO to us. Now that Pro Quo Blow Joe got 81 million(???) votes (by proven voter fraud), Russia attacks Ukraine, N. Korea’s launching and testing their weapons again, China’s threatening Tiawan and the U.S., we (cowardly) “cut and run” out of Afghanistan leaving BILLIONS of tax dollars behind in military equipment (and hundreds of Americans) …….this is what snowflake, cowardly, weakling Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and the rest of the treasonous swamp wants, and they got it with Brandon!!

  3. Most Rev. Gregori

    May 11, 2022 at 7:07 pm

    Esper is an ignorant moron, and everyone in our government who believes our Constitutional Republic is a Democracy or was even founded as a Democracy, should be removed from office immediately, because we are NOT a Democracy, the founders NEVER intended for us to be a Democracy. WE ARE and WERE FOUNDED AS A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, PERIOD. Any one in government including CONGRESS, and anyone wishing to run for any elected position or seeking to be appointed to any government position, should have to take and pass a literacy test on the Constitution in order to qualify to hold any public office or position.

    • 2004done

      May 12, 2022 at 6:59 am

      Most Rev. Gregori: Yes, BUT “Taking a test” will be easy for all the folks that support “Common (any-answer-regardless-of-pertinence-shows-compliance) Core.”

  4. K C Brad

    May 11, 2022 at 7:08 pm

    Esper who?????????????
    Talk about a natural shortfall in stature.
    If he had balls he couldn’t play with himself.

  5. Scott Larson

    May 11, 2022 at 7:19 pm

    Say anything bad about President Trump to sell a book what a jerk

  6. William

    May 11, 2022 at 7:57 pm

    This person is a total liar

  7. james hunt

    May 11, 2022 at 10:14 pm

    This guy is what is wrong in a REAL AMERICA!! Trump right now is our only hope! Biden – Harris, Dems and Yellow Back RINO Republicans must be taken to the “TRAIN STATION” and dumped with the rest of the garbage!! 1 of 74,000,000 Plus American Patriots, Red, Yellow, Black, White that has had enough. Ready to move now while there is something left to save!! ULTRA MAGA!! DRY POWDER!!

    • 2004done

      May 12, 2022 at 7:09 am

      james hunt: Agreed, with 3% 245 years ago, I can’t imagine what even 8 or 9% might do today.

  8. JNW

    May 12, 2022 at 9:53 am

    Most people that are irrelevant, and crave to be known, will say anything that eases their inferiority complex.

  9. Patty

    May 13, 2022 at 12:15 am

    Esper is out there hawking his “ book” that will not sell! He is and always has been a traitor, HE and his demonrat pals are the danger to our REPUBLIC! He is a lying A- hole like all the rest! They always say the Republicans and Trump are a danger to our” democracy”, but WHO is dismantling our country piece by piece? It damned well isn’t the Republicans! The demonrats need to stfu and go away!

  10. ox

    May 13, 2022 at 9:30 am

    Esper be a good little Bolshevik and lie down. If any one threatens Democracy, it certainly isn’t Trump. What’s the matter Esper? Have nothing to say about Marxist Obama or Lying Corrupt Quid Pro KING Joe and the liberal commie Democrats. Neither one might not belong in the W/H. Incompetent mentally deficient Corrupt Quid pro or Trump, however as the saying goes, trump is the least evil of the two, and I’ll take the least evil of the two over the current imbecile in the W/H. Every ill will that has been thrust upon the U.S. has been intentionally created by corrupt Quid Pro, and his puppet master. corrupt Quid Pro cares more about the illegals than he does about the citizens, of America. Illegals mean democrat votes. Corrupt Quid pro could care less there is no baby formula for American mothers, just as long as there is baby formula for the kids of illegals. All mothers need to vote as many Democrats out of office as much as possible. That so called Democracy Esper is complaining Trump is threatening. Voters need to read between the lines. Whenever the liberal commie Democrats and RINO’s complain our Democracy is being threatened, that’s exactly right. Only they are talking about their Democracy. Pelosi could care less about the average Americans Democracy. All one needs to know is that the Corrupt Quid Pro Administration is more concerned with the Democracy, Borders and the Sovereignty of Ukraine than they are with America’s Democracy, Borders, and Sovereignty.

  11. Jim Lennon

    May 13, 2022 at 7:51 pm

    x-Pentagon Chief Mark Esper told MSNBC that he would not support Trump. Okay then vote for Biden, he’s doing a great job. You f’ing Idiot.

  12. David Ballard

    May 13, 2022 at 8:33 pm

    Trump threatens the continued existence of the so called “Deep S tate”. He supports the constitutional democracy that is America. Any official that would make that sort of comment about Trump is likely a part of the DS.

  13. Jim

    May 15, 2022 at 3:59 pm

    President Trump is a threat to the deep state, commies, thieves, crooked elected politicians, America haters and Rinos like Esper.
    Anything to make money and write books for haters and commies and members of the DEEP STATE.

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