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Israel Negotiates Hostage Deal, Hamas Dictates Release Terms



Clear Facts

  • Israel and Hamas are close to securing a hostage deal following the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on southern Israel.
  • Hamas has laid out two conditions for the deal: a prisoner swap and a short ceasefire.
  • Qatar has been working with both sides to negotiate the release of hostages.

Israel and Hamas are on the brink of securing a hostage deal to bring home the captives kidnapped in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on southern Israel, according to a report Monday. The deal is just “days away,” according to the Washington Post, citing an anonymous high-ranking Israeli official. Qatar has been working with both sides to negotiate for the release of hostages.

Hamas has laid out two stipulations for a deal to release its hostages, including a prisoner swap and a short ceasefire. The Palestinian terrorist organization allegedly told Qatari mediators that it was prepared to free up to 70 women and children held in Gaza, but blamed Israel for delaying such an agreement.

“Last week, there was an effort from the Qatari brothers to release the enemy captives … in return for the release of 200 Palestinian children and 75 women detained by the enemy,” said Abu Obaida, a spokesman for the armed wing of Hamas, in an audio recording posted to the group’s Telegram channel.

Obaida claimed the reason why a deal has yet to be struck to free both Palestinian prisoners in Israel as well as Israeli hostages in Gaza is that Israel is “procrastinating.” He additionally explained Hamas’s parameters for a ceasefire to “allow aid and humanitarian relief everywhere in the Gaza Strip.”

“We informed the mediators we could release the hostages if we obtained five days of truce and passage of aid to all of our people throughout the Gaza Strip, but the enemy is procrastinating,” Obaida said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of a pending hostage deal on Sunday, noting that “there could be” an agreement in the works but went no further than that.

President Joe Biden has taken criticism for his unwavering support for Israel after the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks, to the extent that more than 400 U. S. government officials signed a letter protesting his support. Biden has had speeches interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters, and there have been demonstrations calling for a ceasefire throughout the nation and the world.

On Tuesday, as Biden was leaving his lectern following a speech about climate change, reporters shouted questions at the president for an update on Israel and a possible ceasefire. Biden declined to comment on the report of a pending hostage deal between Israel and Hamas, but he was asked if he can “address the hostages directly and give them a message of hope and resilience” by one reporter.

“Yes, I can,” Biden said. “I’ve been talking with the people involved every single day, I believe it’s going to happen but I don’t want to get into any detail.”


“What’s your message for the families?” the reporter followed up.

“Hang in there,” Biden said. “We’re coming.”

The Washington Examiner reached out to both the Israeli and Palestinian authorities for comment.

Clear Thoughts

As Israel and Hamas inch closer to a hostage deal, it’s crucial to remember the stakes. While negotiations could save lives, a short ceasefire and prisoner swap may only provide temporary respite to a longstanding conflict. President Biden’s unwavering support for Israel, despite criticism, highlights the complexities of Middle Eastern politics. The world watches as Qatar mediates, hoping for a positive outcome. However, we must not lose sight of the need for a long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as temporary measures may only serve to delay the inevitable escalation.

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.




  1. john w redican

    November 14, 2023 at 7:21 pm

    please print the names of the politicians who approved gender surgery for prisoners

  2. Capt Caveman

    November 15, 2023 at 8:45 am

    Hamas, trying to get back on top of the propaganda fight.

  3. robert

    November 16, 2023 at 6:44 pm


  4. Sunshine Kid

    November 17, 2023 at 7:30 am

    Consider the implications: Hamas executes a criminal and terrorist act, runs and hides like the cowards they are, and demands that their comrades be freed? Yeah, like I robbed you, but before I give your things back, you have to not come after me for the robbery. If any government agreed to such demands, that government has no right to remain in power. The people should reject that government as corrupt and disrespectful to those it governs.

    • N R

      November 17, 2023 at 7:55 am

      I doubt that Hamas will be able to abide by the ceasefire agreement.
      It’s important to get the hostages back, but it should be a 1 for 1 exchange.

  5. Joanne Martin

    November 17, 2023 at 8:22 am

    We should not rely on Hamas savages to abide by any rules. They are monsters, as 300,000 people in DC engaged in a peaceful demonstration to support Israel & the Jewish people a couple days ago. A small sign of sanity in a world inhabited by idiots! Israel must not give in to any ridiculous demands so Hamas can reorganize its frenzied attacks on innocents.

  6. Robert

    November 17, 2023 at 9:31 am

    I found the comment about a long term solution sophomoric. How can there be a long term solution as long as the stated goal of Hamas and it’s supporters (including the many in America) have the stated goal of the annihilation of Israel and Jews?

  7. The Seymour Conservative

    November 17, 2023 at 10:39 am

    And this is ceasefire #XXXX?????

  8. LMB

    November 17, 2023 at 10:47 am

    No to any conditions for the release of hostages!!! The IDF should execute any and all HAMAS prisoners!!! The 100 prisoners will be hanged for every hostage that turns up dead!!! Take PLO/HAMAS from the prisons and start hanging them in public for any further attacks!!!
    NO QUARTER FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Susan

    November 17, 2023 at 10:48 am

    There will never be a long term ceasefire. It’s just like the story about the frog and the scorpion. Hamas is the scorpion and will always attack. I wouldn’t trust them for 5 seconds.

  10. LMS

    November 17, 2023 at 1:30 pm

    No negotiation should be occuring! One way or the other they can either do the right thing and release tbe prisoners and be destroyed or they can keep them and still be destroyed. No ceasefire and we will destroy Hamas permanently! That is how you manage terrorists. No one likes war or people killed but in war people become collateral damage! That’s the reality!

    Our dear senile pervert criminal sleepy Joe has now made the US open for people here to become collateral damage. It’s coming! His gross incom0etent decision to open the hotders to anything and everything the US has a MAJOR disaster on his hands!

    There is not one thing this administration has done right!

    • mark rueckl

      November 17, 2023 at 4:24 pm

      i agree 100% this administration is the worst ever~~~!!! remember how they handled Afganistan>>>>>

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