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Biden likens “MAGA Republican” philosophy to semi-fascism [Video]



  • President Biden targeted former President Trump and his allies again, calling them “MAGA Republicans” who “threaten” democracy.
  • Biden likened the MAGA philosophy to “semi-fascism” that embraces “political violence.”
  • The president called on Democrats to show up for the ballot to protect democracy and human rights.

President Joe Biden made pointed remarks against pro-Trump Republicans at a donor event for Democrats in Rockville, Maryland, on Thursday night.

Biden continued his disparaging comments against former President Donald Trump and his “Make America Great Again” campaign, calling him and his allies “MAGA Republicans” who “threaten” democracy.

In his first political rally speech leading to November’s midterm elections, Biden denounced the MAGA philosophy, likening it to “semi-fascism.” He said, The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security. They’re a threat to our very democracy. They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace … political violence. They don’t believe in democracy.”

The president called on everyone “who loves this country — Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans” to “be stronger” and show up in the midterm elections.

As the crowd cheered, Biden reminded supporters that “81 million Americans voted to save our democracy.” He added a snide remark: “That’s why Donald Trump isn’t just a former president, he is a defeated former president.”

Biden continued to call out Republican policies while highlighting the Democrats’ vision.

“Your right to choose is on the ballot this year,” he declared. He listed everything on the line that depends on the ballot: Social Security, “the safety of our kids from gun violence,” the “very survival of our planet,” and “the right to vote.”

Biden also referred to conservative lawmakers’ push for a nationwide abortion ban. “MAGA Republicans don’t have a clue about the power of women. Let me tell you something: They are about to find out,” he remarked.

Biden’s remarks are part of an effort to stir more Democrats into voting. A recent poll from Fox News showed that Democrats are now as equally interested in the midterms as Republicans, compared to previous polls.

According to strategists, the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade pushed previously-disenchanted Democrats to care more about the ballot. But the overall picture still seems bleak.

Nathan Brand, spokesperson for the Republican National Committee (RNC), said Biden’s comments were “despicable.”


Brand accused Biden of forcing Americans into unemployment while transferring funds “from working families to Harvard lawyers.” He blamed the president for sending the country “into a recession while families can’t afford gas and groceries.”

“Democrats don’t care about suffering Americans — they never did,” Brand continued.

Source: Axios



  1. John Miller

    August 26, 2022 at 8:49 am

    Well, just let that colossal fool destroy the USA. It can be rebuilt to the American Way standards we should have the right to expect once he’s “pushin up the daisies.”

  2. CharlieSeattle

    August 27, 2022 at 6:36 pm

    FBI coming? My door is always open. I like to encourage intruders.

  3. Matthew Hamrick

    August 27, 2022 at 7:16 pm

    First, democrats are stupid, and Biden is so freaking ignorant he thinks we are democracy. We are a constitutional republic, and the people control the government, not politicians. Yes, midterms are coming and democrats know they are doomed.


    August 27, 2022 at 8:13 pm

    Well BRAINLESS BRAND as usual it sure sounds like your sounding off about you ASS HOLE REPUBLICANS again, if memory serves me right it was your IGNORANT PARTY who DON’T CARE, remember the people’s rights you took away when they passed the bill so they couldn’t vote, and let’s not forget the BILL’S that WERE and STILL are being passed that eliminates a woman’s right to choose what she does with her own body, YEP!!!! that sounds like a POLITICAL PARTY I’d want caring about and that would be a big NOT NOW NOT EVER, if I want to live under a DICTATORSHIP I’ll move to country that’s already run by one of those IDIOTS. SO BRAND do everybody who DON’T BELIEVE in your COMMUNIST BULLSHIT go stick your MORONIC head back up CHUMP’S FAT ASS and disappear.

    • Leslie

      August 27, 2022 at 10:32 pm

      Listening to this moron Biden makes me sick to my stomach, his lies, rambling shit. Needs to take his head out of his ass!


      August 27, 2022 at 11:09 pm

      Don’t know where you’re from, but if you want a totalitarian regime, you have one right here! It’s called the Dumocrat Party — that’s right Dumocrats! We now no longer have an FBI (remember, Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity??) Tell us all about the New Gestapo! Nothing now but storm trooperes. You would have loved living under the Nazis in Europe! You could have been somebody — an SS soldier, killing the innocents. You cry about abortion and you care less for the babies than for the women who opened their legs long enough to get pregnant. Why can’t these women use condoms or other methods to PREVENT pregnancy??? You Dumocrats make me sick. You stand up and call Joe a ‘great’ President. He is nothing of the sort. He is a feeble-minded CROOK! He couldn’t care less about this country. By the way, have you ever served in the Armed Forces to PRESERVE the USA?? I doubt it. You’re just another clown in a vaudville shiow! And if you really want a change, go to Cuba — they would love an idiot fool like you!

    • Colby Goodson

      August 28, 2022 at 7:28 am

      Your facts are very skewed. Go back and check them again. I’m sure left wing politifact will not.

    • Thomas N Harris

      August 29, 2022 at 11:33 am


      Forgive me, O God, when I have let prejudice and suspicion keep me from fully enjoying fellowship with those whom you have claimed as your children. I pray that my life will be an example of redemption and unity as I seek to love your children as you do. In the name of Jesus, whose dying prayer was for unity I pray. Amen.

      Trump says a prayer every day to help stay the course from people like you.
      I feel so sorry for you. The Hate you carry must impact the ones you love the most.
      That’s if you know what Love is..


    August 27, 2022 at 9:25 pm


  6. Sean Richman

    August 27, 2022 at 10:07 pm

    The biden loving loonies are the ones that do not accept the will of the people.They cheat and call it the will of the people when its obvious that it is not.That was the main reason for the Jan 6th PROTEST that was infiltrated by liberal organizations that includes agencies of you know what and who.

  7. Alan Haywood

    August 28, 2022 at 8:20 am

    The DNC is the antithesis of what it was under JFK. Biden and his cohorts have pandered to the extreme left in the form of AOC, Talib, Omar and others, in order to retain their vote. They are deliberately importing people into the country in order to gain THEIR vote..estimated to be more than 20 million people, and this in turn is destroying the economy. Their rhetoric is pure Marxism..and they have the gall to project anti- democracy on to the GOP. THEY are the party which is stifling dissent…clamping down on free speech..ALL social media platforms are cancelling anyone who opposes their agenda or reports news unfavourable to them… like the sale of 20% of Americas Uranium to RUSSIA, or the Biden laptop or Biden selling a million barrels of Americas strategic oil reserves to China…etc etc etc.. they have empowered the FBI to do their bidding…Americas SchutsStaffel. The NYT should be renamed Der Angriff..or Pravda.
    They control the MSM…All this is the making of a Fascist party but again this is what THEY project on to the GOP.
    Saul Alinsky..always accuse your enemy of doing what you yourself do.
    America is at a crossroads and if Bidens party succeeds, the western world is lost. 70 odd years ago we vanquished the Fascist Nazi regime, but it has risen again and THIS time we must kill it off forevermore.
    The traitors to the Constitution are guilty of Treason and as America is technically is still at war, declared following 9/11, they must be tried at a Military Tribunal and if found guilty…executed.
    Thus must never happen again

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