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Florida Colleges To Fire Staff Who Use Restrooms That Don’t Match Their Gender



Clear Facts:

  • The Florida State Board of Education unanimously decided to terminate school staff for using bathrooms not in line with their birth-assigned gender.
  • Transgender individuals in state colleges are now barred from using bathrooms matching their chosen gender identities; this also affects students in dorms.
  • The board’s action was spurred by a law rights passed earlier this year.

The Florida State Board of Education has unanimously passed a decision that will greatly affect the state’s school employees.

According to the decision, school staff could face termination for utilizing a bathroom that doesn’t correspond with their birth-assigned gender.

The regulation applies to both private and state-run educational institutions.

This decision effectively prohibits transgender individuals in state colleges from using bathrooms that align with their chosen gender identities.

The penalty for such actions is clear: “Disciplinary actions may utilize a progressive discipline process that includes verbal warnings, written reprimands, suspension without pay, and termination,” the board’s proposal detailed.

It went on to stipulate that a repeat offense would mandatorily result in the employee’s dismissal, adding, “Nothing in this rule prohibits an institution from immediately terminating an employee for such a violation.”

Not only does this affect employees, but it also impacts transgender students residing in dormitories, as they too are prevented from using bathrooms that reflect their gender identities.

During the board meeting where the proposal was discussed, the majority of speakers expressed disagreement with the new stringent measures.

Among them was a concerned parent with her transgender teen. Carlos Guillermo Smith, an aspiring Florida state senator and adviser for Equality Florida, was present and commented.


“It is death by a million cuts, where you just created such a toxic and hostile environment for trans people in our state that they no longer are going to want to call Florida home.”

Maxx Fenning, the head of Prism FL, an organization championing LGBTQ+ rights, vocalized his dissent against both the bathroom law and the attached penalties.

“Trans people just want to pee in a stall safely and mind their own business. And now college students can’t even do that in their own housing,” Fenning declared. “Let trans students pee in peace, for the love of God.”

This move by the board was prompted by a law, introduced by the Florida legislature in May, that took aim at LGBTQ rights. The law specifically disallowed transgender individuals from using bathrooms that matched their gender identities as opposed to their birth-assigned genders.

However, some argue that the rule is perfectly logical and commonplace.

“If men can’t waltz into the women’s restroom or locker room whenever they want, then it is a ‘blow for transgender rights’ and a ‘slate of hate,’” commentary writer Zachary Faria penned for The Washington Examiner.

“Liberal media is completely detached from the reality that most people today recognize and in a completely different universe from the world of 10 years ago. They have completely rejected any semblance of neutrality and also of reality and basic science,” he continued.

“They now treat their role as being mouthpieces for transgender activists, and they will perform it no matter how utterly insane it makes them sound.”


We want to know what you think! Share your thoughts in the comments below.




  1. L Stewart

    August 30, 2023 at 8:30 pm

    Laws prohibiting a man from deliberately selecting a women’s restroom are described as not letting someone “pee in peace”; a comment reflecting the arrogance of this tiny minority forcing themselves on the vast majority, no matter the offence they cause. Are women not entitled to the same privilege ? And: are men too, expected not to react when an apparent “woman” marches into a male restroom and utilises a urinal next to them ? Please – enough of this nonsense; and shame on normal people who accept – or even promote – such outlandish behaviour.

    • Sapienne

      September 1, 2023 at 6:41 pm

      I, like you, was convulsed with astonishment as this person said that all transgender persons want is to pee in peace, so you have to let them use the opposite sex’s restroom in order to do that. Why, if this person only wants to “pee in peace” can he NOT pee in peace in the restroom to which his gender is assigned? Who will disturb his peace there? Will he be able to pee in peace while women who, as they come in to use the facilities, are screaming in emotions ranging from astonishment to terror? This is not a reasonable remark. Documentation exists about how some men who claim to be trans have raped women in women’s restrooms. Use the restroom to which you have been assigned. Like, is it such a hardship? The rest of society is not obligated to join transgender people in their mental delusions.

  2. Brian Stansbury

    August 31, 2023 at 7:04 am

    if you have a dick…you are a man…if you have a pussy you are a woman !!!what the hell has gone wrong in the united states ?

    • Truman Capote

      August 31, 2023 at 7:50 am

      Well said Brian, let the trannies go back to California, or move to another country.

    • Homer

      August 31, 2023 at 10:06 am

      DOES anyone REALLY want to know what has gone wrong w/this Nation! (The whole world for that matter) 1. Abingdon v. Schempp Bible Study removed 1963 2. Engle v. Vitale 1962 Prayer in Schools removed (because of one woman, Madeline Murray O’Hare) 3. The Ten Commandments removed from schools and all office and courts of law. 3) When a nation forgets GOD, it is well on its way to HELL! Psa, 9:17 KJV 4) Roe v, Wade Abortion upon demand 1973 (Just because the S.C. overturned this law, does NOT mean it is illegal to abort! It still goes on and this nation, world, has a LOT of blood to pay back!! OVERTURN and bring the first three back to schools and get rid of Abortion, things will change!! Jer 6:16-19 KJV OH, and also see The Civil Rights Act of 1964 that the U.N. no doubt intervened in our society and made DIVORCE under any circumstances, and EFFECTIVELLY destroyed the family!!

    • Alejandro

      August 31, 2023 at 11:49 pm

      You are right, Brian. What went wrong is, people have started following Satan who always has attempted to perfect God’s Truth, starting with Adam and Eve.

  3. Dr Robert Borger

    August 31, 2023 at 7:22 am

    Good riddance.
    Gender Dysphoria is a Mental Illness, PERIOD.
    They belong in a Mental Institution. NOT among the public.

  4. Ellen

    August 31, 2023 at 8:55 am

    Our daughters have a right to pee without having to worry about a male walking in on them and our sons should be afforded the same rights by not having to look over their shoulder to make sure a woman isn’t standing there watching them pee.
    Let our kids pee in peace. If you were born with a penis then use the man’s restroom and if you were born with a vagina use the woman’s restroom.

  5. Conservative Not Republican

    August 31, 2023 at 9:22 am

    If someone wishes to live their life as a fantasy, I have no problem with that. It’s none of my business. However, if someone demands that force of government should be used to grant them accommodations, thus compelling all of society to enable their fantasy, then we’ve got a problem. Just because you may believe your fantasy, doesn’t mean that anyone else has an obligation to enable that fantasy.

    • Wilson Picket

      August 31, 2023 at 9:49 am

      Could not have said it any better.

    • Boe Jiden

      August 31, 2023 at 7:22 pm

      Exactly amd well said.

  6. Dolly MacFarlane

    August 31, 2023 at 10:10 am

    You can cut it off but it does not change you. You just don’t have it any more. You may not like what you were born with but that’s life. You are what you were born with. Improve it not try and change it. I know if one transgender who after the change it led alcoholism. A man is a man and a woman is a woman, work with it not change it.

  7. Ken Myrick

    August 31, 2023 at 10:39 am

    Happy day that someone is finally standing up for something right. Seems America is being led around by the 5% instead of being run for the 95%. Let’s take back our country again! Sick of a bunch of cry babies always getting their way.

  8. yankg jackson

    August 31, 2023 at 11:44 am

    Carlos Guillermo Smith, an aspiring Florida state senator and adviser for Equality Florida, was present and commented.
    “It is death by a million cuts, where you just created such a toxic and hostile environment for trans people in our state that they no longer are going to want to call Florida home.”

    If there are those that are upset with the law and don’t want to call Florida home, they can leave.
    There are TWO genders, boys and girls. There is no in-between.

  9. Leftshot

    August 31, 2023 at 1:19 pm

    We have long-standing descriptors for people who insist on using the other genders’ restrooms, showers, and locker rooms: perverts, and peeping Toms. We also have laws to protect people from those who do this.

  10. Old wolf

    August 31, 2023 at 2:31 pm

    But time, idoits can’t decide what bathroom to use. Maybe this will help them.

  11. grrumpa

    August 31, 2023 at 3:19 pm

    A lot of great comments, most all on point. Fenning decried “Trans people just want to pee in a stall safely and mind their own business. And now college students can’t even do that in their own housing,” Fenning declared. “Let trans students pee in peace, for the love of God.” Okay, if that’s all they want, then trans people shouldn’t care what restroom they have to use to “pee in peace” should they? If they are a biological male, then use a stall in a men’s room to “pee in peace”. If it hurts their fragile feelings, so be it. Normal people shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable using a restroom meant for them by having a trans person invade their privacy.

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