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Bodycam Video Shows Fiery Confrontation Between Congressman and Police



Clear Facts:

  • Rep. Ronny Jackson was forcibly detained by deputies at the White Deer Rodeo in Texas while trying to assist a 15-year-old girl in medical distress.
  • Law enforcement claims Jackson hindered paramedics, while he accuses them of incompetency, even threatening to report the incident to Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
  • Subsequent to the incident, Jackson’s behavior was described as “agitated” and “belligerent” with suggestions of alcohol involvement, which his office denies.

A recent incident involving Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) at the White Deer Rodeo in Texas stirred controversy after bodycam footage showcased law enforcement officers wrestling Jackson to the ground and handcuffing him.

Jackson, a former White House physician, was trying to aid a 15-year-old girl undergoing a seizure at the time, with no “uniformed EMS providers on the scene,” as stated by Jackson’s office.

The footage from July 29 reveals deputies forcibly detaining Jackson, alleging he hindered paramedics’ intervention by refusing to step back.

One officer, referred to as “Trooper Young,” confronts Jackson in the video, claiming he had to ask him to step back “twice.”

Jackson vehemently denies the accusations, underscoring his ER doctor credentials and expressing his intention to merely assist the young girl.

The altercation escalates as Jackson, infuriated, exchanges heated words with Young, accusing him of incompetence and even threatening to escalate the issue to Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Portions of the released video lack audio, a discrepancy the Texas Department of Public Safety has yet to explain.


Subsequent to the incident, an email by an attending trooper described Jackson’s demeanor as “agitated” and “belligerent,” speculating potential alcohol involvement.

However, Jackson’s office firmly refuted these claims, emphasizing that he “was not drinking.”

Jackson took to social media, defending his actions and expressing relief over the video’s release, which, according to him, spotlights the “incompetence of the authorities.”

While he regretted his choice of words, Jackson remained unapologetic for intervening during the medical emergency, a sentiment echoed by his spokesperson, Kate Lair.

Sheriff Tam Terry, allegedly threatened by Jackson during the incident, remained silent when approached by USA Today for comments.

Watch the full video below:

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  1. Sapienne

    August 16, 2023 at 6:39 am

    f he identified himself as a medical doctor at any point, then I am on HIS side. Paramedics or not, he is a doctor, and should have been allowed to continue assisting the girl. Sapienne

  2. KC

    August 16, 2023 at 7:11 am

    What makes a member of congress think they have the right to try and force their way into an emergency? He was not a qualified EMT nor in charge. He was a citizen, a simple bystander who should of been locked up for his behavior. Jackson needs to learn that being a congressional member does not give you the right to force yourself into the police’s jobs, the EMT’s jobs nor any job outside of his duties in congress. There were plenty of people there to handle the situation while all he did was create issues. He should of offered his help then backed off if told they had it in hand. Arguing with the responders did not help.

    • Tim Kuehl

      August 16, 2023 at 8:56 am

      Hey, KC, read the story. Representative Jackson is an MD and first with medical skills on the scene. What medical skills did the police have? And, did the EMTs have better skills that Representative Jackson? When Ronny Jackson MD began tending to the young lady, she became his patient. Tell me, KC, if you or a family member had a medical emergency and no EMTs were available, would you prefer Representative Jackson to use his skills as an actual MD to try to help or would you prefer Doctor Jill Biden?

      • michael eaton

        August 16, 2023 at 10:41 am

        i agree with what you said. the doctor knows more about medicine period. they should have allowed him to take charge !

    • James

      August 16, 2023 at 4:35 pm

      KC get your facts straight! HE is an EMERGENCY ROOM DOCTOR! He is the one that tells the EMT’s what to do! Police are NOT trained to do medical procedures.

    • Chris Hancock

      August 21, 2023 at 12:12 am

      Your right, he’s not a certified EMT, he’s a Board CERTIFIED emergency Room DOCTOR.

  3. James Diehl

    August 16, 2023 at 8:16 am

    It sounds more like what is going on in our country right now. A qualified person was trying to help someone as a human gesture and the authorities had to be assholes about it, because someone was doing “their” job. It’s probably going to happen more and more because police, sheriff’s and other public servants are resigning. Crime and other problems are escalating and departments are short staffed because of the Liberals defunding them. They are overwhelmed by the Woke people, Antifa, BLM, illegals, pro abortionists and hate groups who are attacking Americans who don’t agree with their BS!

  4. Doc Roberts

    August 16, 2023 at 8:53 am

    Just because he’s a doctor does not give him the right to intervene. Those EMT responders are used to working as a team, anyone else in the picture just complicates them doing what they are trained to do. Can’t have too many cooks in the kitchen.

  5. George T Stafford, MD

    August 16, 2023 at 3:09 pm

    He should have current CPR certification and familiarity with EMT protocol and capabilities. There were no EMT certified personnel at the beginning of the incident. The police and the EMT providers were in error and probably were less familiar with handling a seizure emergency, and should have been able to communicate better.

  6. Sean Richman

    August 18, 2023 at 8:31 pm

    Sounds to me that these police officers went to the university that sloppy joey and the biden foot soldiers went to.The liberal university of “bull exhaust”.

  7. Debra Hopkins

    August 22, 2023 at 2:59 pm

    The fact that part of the audio is missing is suspicious and leads you to wonder what they’re trying to cover up.

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