2 Women Face Sentencing for Gruesome Crimes

Clear Facts
- Two women, Elisha Robinson and Jodie Colvin, and a male teenager have been convicted for the abduction and assault of a disabled woman.
- The assault involved heinous acts of physical and psychological abuse, including sexual assault, forcing the victim to consume excrement, and pouring bleach and boiling water over her.
- The women were each sentenced to 12 years and nine months in prison, while the male teenager received six years in youth detention.
In a shocking incident, two English women, Elisha Robinson and Jodie Colvin, both 23, along with a 17-year-old male, have been convicted for the abduction and assault of a disabled woman.
The victim, a 21-year-old woman with learning difficulties, was subjected to a six-hour ordeal described by Judge Andrew Shaw as a “terrible, terrifying and horrific attack.”
The court learned that Robinson and Colvin were reportedly under the influence of cocaine as they lured the victim to a bungalow. The victim was subjected to unspeakable violence, including sexual assault, being forced to consume excrement, and having bleach and boiling water poured over her. The teenage accomplice, while not directly participating in the physical abuse, reportedly egged the women on to inflict maximum pain on the victim.
The women, who reportedly exchanged texts planning the assault, were each sentenced to 12 years and nine months in prison. The male teenager, who was 16 at the time of the crime, received six years in youth detention.
The victim met her assailants under the assumption that they would watch a movie together. After the attack, she sought help from a local couple, whom Judge Shaw commended, recommending a £500 (approx. $630) reward for their assistance.
The victim said in a statement, “I really struggle to get my head around how a human being could treat another human being the way I was treated. And why did it happen to me? I can barely sleep as I keep reliving the whole thing and if I do sleep, I wake up terrified from recurring nightmares.”
Detective Sergeant Tom Cole of Norfolk Police, who led the investigation, said after the hearing, “This was a horrific, calculated and vicious attack over a number of hours. The three defendants subjected her to a hugely traumatic event and none of us can imagine how truly awful that experience must have been for her.”
Clear Thoughts (op-ed)
In a world where we’re constantly reminded to be more accepting and tolerant, it’s jarring to see the stark reality of human cruelty. The recent case of two women and a teenager convicted for the abduction and assault of a disabled woman serves as a chilling reminder of this.
The details of the assault are so gruesome, they defy comprehension. The assailants, under the influence of drugs, not only physically and sexually assaulted the victim but forced her to consume excrement, a level of degradation that is difficult to fathom.
The sentences meted out, while considerable, still seem inadequate given the brutal nature of the crime. The question that begs asking here is: how did we get to this point where such barbaric acts are committed?
This horrific case should serve as a wake-up call. It’s high time we take a hard look at the societal factors enabling such brutality and work towards a more humane society.
Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Steely Dove
January 20, 2024 at 10:22 am
My heart goes out to the victim, but is hardened towards her attackers. Throw the book at them. Full prison sentence, no parole, preferably solitary confinement. Humiliation after their release, including full disclosure to community and registering as sex offenders. Their lives should NEVER be the same again.
gerald serlin
January 20, 2024 at 11:44 am
Give them the worst that you can give them and then some. How can people be so cruel? It rivals what Hamas did in Israel, if that is possible. Upon release from prison, these three people can be shipped to some Arab country where they will be able to get along with the perverts that live there.
January 20, 2024 at 12:08 pm
These or no longer human . They are demon . Karma will find them . God justice is way more severe.
David Wayne Deel
January 20, 2024 at 12:17 pm
Are you kidding me ?!!! Twelve years and nine months, a slap on the wrist ? Is that’s what I’m reading ?11 All three should get
Life and one day in prison. They should NEVER be let out. Here’s Just one reason why. When they get released from prison, what would
keep them from going back to finish the job they started. Remember people are inherently vinge ful. The fact that they were doing drugs
at the time does not lessen the sevarity of the crime. I am afraid for the victom here!! Atfter all, what happens after they get out ??
Frank Bowers
January 20, 2024 at 2:11 pm
Why not life w/out parole the lady will suffer for the rest of her life w/out parole. These 3 animals shoul be put down like a rabid dog.
Georgetown Tx 786##
January 20, 2024 at 2:13 pm
There is evil in their DNA and they will never be rehabilitated. Unfortunately there will never be enough punishment to cleanse their souls. Perhaps a tattoo on each forehead and a mirror check would remind them at of their evil intentions at least once day for the rest of their miserable lives.
January 20, 2024 at 2:16 pm
And there are those who think Capital Punishment is Cruel and Unjust. These three should receive 40 lashes with the Cat of Nine Tails , THEN get 20 years without parole in prison. They should be forced to listen to Kamala Harris CACKLE 23 hours a day.
January 20, 2024 at 5:35 pm
The presenter poseted, ‘ The question that begs asking here is: how did we get to this point where such barbaric acts are committed?’ I ask the pesenter, who is we? Certainly not humanity.
January 21, 2024 at 12:43 am
I’m one of those who has often say that I’d really enjoy hunting and killing those who hunt wild animals for the “Pleasure Of It” Put a 30-30,…. 30-06,….. Remmington 700 A-1…..Maybe a Mossberg Predator in my hands and let those he men hunters know what it like to “Be Hunted”
Same for these pieces of Donkey Dung that would force some disabled person to undergo such inhumane treatment. They are not Homosapians, they are animals of the lowest form. That’s my opinion and will probably carrry it forever,
May 6, 2024 at 9:28 am
Retired Correction officer. I cannot believe that the sentence is so inadequate compared to the crimes and severity of the assault. These creatures don’t need to breathe the same air as human beings.
Let me serve them their food for the duration of their sentences. They’d get SSDD for sure!