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Biden Faces Backlash for Remarks on “African American and Hispanic Workers” (Video)



Clear Facts:

  • President Biden drew criticism for associating “workers without high school diplomas” in the U.S. with “African American and Hispanic workers.”
  • Critics, including Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) and attorney Aaron Walker, condemned Biden’s remarks, emphasizing perceived racism.
  • Biden also highlighted his administration’s push for diversity, boasting more women in his Cabinet than any past president and appointing a record number of black women to appellate and Supreme Court positions.

President Joe Biden recently faced a storm of criticism after a video emerged of him linking “workers without high school diplomas” in the U.S. specifically to “African American and Hispanic workers.”

The comments were made while he was addressing an audience at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland, during a discussion on the topic of “Bidenomics.”

During his speech, Biden highlighted, “We’ve created 13.4 million new jobs,” and emphasized, “We not only recovered all the jobs we lost during the pandemic, we’ve added millions more.”

“We’ve seen record lows in unemployment, particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high-school diplomas.”

Biden further celebrated the strides made for women, noting it’s the “lowest unemployment rate in 70 years for women now.”

However, reactions to his statement were swift and sharp.

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT), an African American, retorted, “Another day, another racist comment from Biden. Crickets from the mainstream media.”

Attorney Aaron Walker voiced his perspective, expressing, “I keep saying I am almost 51 years old and Joe Biden is the most explicitly racist president in my lifetime. Good lord.”

Madison Gesiotto Gilbert, a former congressional candidate and National GOP spokeswoman, chimed in with her disbelief, “Nooo, he didn’t 🫣😣.”


The President’s remarks weren’t limited to just unemployment statistics. He went on to imply considerations of race and gender in his decisions for cabinet hires and judicial nominations.

Biden said, “You know, and, by the way, when I got elected, I promised that I wanted an administration that would look like America. I got more women in the Cabinet than any president has ever in history. And I got more women — more women than men in the Cabinet.”

Proudly, he added, “And I put more black women on the appellate court and the Supreme Court than every other president combined in American history.”

We want to know what you think! Share your thoughts in the comments below.




  1. James

    September 15, 2023 at 8:31 pm

    Biden is worthless he has done nothing but give our taxpayers dollars to our enemies he is a puppet.

  2. pam mullins

    September 19, 2023 at 7:02 am

    Biden is a racist. I can’t understand why anyone would vote for this man. I hope men and women wake up before the next election.

    • Don

      September 19, 2023 at 8:09 am

      This is a sick, dementia ridden old man with a scripted agenda. Dictated by elites bent on the destruction of America with no reguard for the destruction of its people, who are being replaced by illegal foreigners many of whom have their own agenda. There is no hope for this country if he and his people are allowed to remain in control. We do not have a government, but instead a criminal enterprise, run by a man who verbalizes a country filled with happy, joyful people, in a rapidly growing prosperous economy. while he dismantles all of the institutions that made us great hes and his fellow leadership are the opposite Trumpers

  3. Betty

    September 19, 2023 at 7:27 am

    lies, lies and more lies.

  4. Carol C

    September 19, 2023 at 8:58 am

    Noting the White House altered the official transcript of his remarks to add an ‘and’ between ‘African and Hispanic workers’ and ‘without a HS diploma’

  5. Born Again

    September 20, 2023 at 6:48 pm

    Fraud Biden and all communist democrats should just drop dead for the good of America!!

  6. Joe

    September 20, 2023 at 7:16 pm

    Hidenbiden is the biggest racist,in the party, besides bho.This lying,senile,frail,old,puppet,fool,pretending,phony,is the most incompetent,delusional,narcistic,failure we have even put into a stolen office. He has no concept, of common sense, or reality,he must be on another planet,if he thinks bidenomics is working.It’s working, to put american citizens in real poverty, and unable to afford goods,gas,and everything else.He doesn’t care about real americans,he loves his illegals for voting,and taking away african=american,hispanic,asian,caucasion citzens jobs,replacing all of us with illegals.Aern’t u going to stand up for yourselves to save your livelyhoods, or let hidenbiden continue to destroy your country,Vote these worthless,incompetent,hypocritical,radical,socialist,marxist,commie dumbocraps out of office, or live on the plantation,forever,under dummycrap control and power.

  7. Sergio Pastor

    September 20, 2023 at 7:17 pm

    You incompetent idiot you have been sitting in Congress for decades and did not have enough common sense to write legislation to help and love the USA….I do not agree with you all anti-USA….but Kowtows to China and I am a Latino DEMOCRAT …asshole

  8. Bob Brown

    September 20, 2023 at 7:45 pm

    The biggest gain in employment was government jobs. Men weren’t getting jobs so they became transgender. About as American as you can get, NOT.

  9. robert

    September 20, 2023 at 7:51 pm


  10. John

    September 20, 2023 at 8:10 pm

    Both of them are scum

  11. Diaz

    September 21, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    Unlike Joseph R. Biden, who finished at the top of his class (not), Democrats know that browns and blacks don’t finish their education. I’m being sarcastic. President Biden was serious. You don’t have to vote for me, but will you vote for him ?

  12. Francisco Machado

    December 19, 2023 at 7:09 pm

    Balkanizing our citizens into special interest groups and antagonizing them against one another has been one major goal of the Progressives. It has been the greatest achievement, their major success – with which we all must now live. Crippling inflation, a flood of illegal immigrants vastly beyond our capacity to assimilate, uncontrolled illegal drugs, worldwide chaos, abandonment of our global energy influence (on day one) and crime waves washing over our major cities… Employment increase? Sure – by expanding government, e.g. doubling – yes, doubling – the number employed by the IRS – Because the more he tries to steal, the more force he must employ to get it. Hey, Joe: It’s sufficient capital remaining in the private sector to enable elective purchasing that drives the economy. People’s grocery bill (I just went to the supermarket. Not even nearly a full cart – $138) is why toy sales are down. Marxist Socialism – a two class society. And Middle Class isn’t one of them.

  13. Lou

    December 19, 2023 at 9:08 pm

    Was the intention to bring folks in a negative light? Seems like Republicanschave made such comment with Democrats claiming racism.

  14. ARJAY

    December 19, 2023 at 9:32 pm

    In reading the comments, this article was published THREE MONTHS AGO yet presented as a NEW article! WHY? Nothing NEW to report on?!?!

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