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Controversial sentencing decisions become major issue in Wisconsin Supreme Court election



  • Janet Protasiewicz, a liberal candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court, defended her record of issuing light sentences to rapists and pedophiles during a debate with her conservative opponent.
  • Her opponent, former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice Dan Kelly, criticized Protasiewicz’s sentencing history, including cases where she gave no jail time to sex offenders who later committed violent crimes.
  • The April 4th election will decide the ideological makeup of Wisconsin’s top court and has already broken spending records for state judiciary campaigns.

During a debate for Wisconsin Supreme Court, liberal candidate Janet Protasiewicz faced criticism from her opponent, former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice Dan Kelly, over her sentencing record. Protasiewicz defended her decisions to give light sentences to some rapists and pedophiles during her time as a Milwaukee Circuit Court judge, stating that a “handful of cases have been cherry-picked and selected and twisted” by her competitor.

Kelly argued that these cases are “representative” of Protasiewicz’s record of “weak-on-crime sentencing,” and highlighted instances where she gave no jail time to sex offenders who later committed violent crimes.

The debate between Protasiewicz and Kelly is the only scheduled debate for the high-stakes April 4th election, which will determine the ideological makeup of Wisconsin’s top court. The race has already broken spending records for state judiciary campaigns, with crime being a major issue.

Channel 3000 / CC-BY-SA-3.0

Kelly pressed Protasiewicz on several of her court decisions, including a case where she gave no jail time to a man who sexually assaulted a 13-year-old child and posted a video of the attack on Facebook. She also released a man who raped a 15-year-old, citing COVID concerns, according to court record

Protasiewicz denied Kelly’s accusations during the debate, but her denial conflicts with court records.

In one case, she told a defendant, Kenneth Wright, during his 2020 sentencing for sexual assault that, “But for COVID, I would be giving you some House of Correction time,” according to records obtained by WISN conservative radio host Dan O’Donnell.

After he was released, Wright went on to kill a woman in a drunk driving accident. In another case, Protasiewicz gave a 14-month prison sentence to a man who raped his own cousin while the victim was unconscious.

According to a transcript of the sentencing, Protasiewicz told the defendant “there’s a lot of good things about you.” “Are you a danger to the public? I don’t think so,” she added. “I mean, I don’t think that you did anything other than engage in a crime of opportunity; and hopefully you’ve learned your lesson.”

Overall, the debate highlighted the controversial nature of Protasiewicz’s sentencing record and its potential impact on the Wisconsin Supreme Court if she is elected.




  1. Mike Tracy

    March 24, 2023 at 11:31 pm

    This liberal minded moron judge is the leading cause of the failing justice system in the United States. Criminals of all kinds have liberal minds most commonly installed through indoctrination from childhood by liberal minded teachers or an irresponsible parent. Teach a kid to take advantage of an illegal or immoral opportunity and then permit the child to go unpunished, or even slightly repromanded, the kids mind rationalizes justification of foul play with any opportunities, especially immoral ones, and must be capitalized on, and that always includes sexual gratification from rape or molestation of younger children of who can be persuaded or forced to accommodate this uncontrollable desire they inherited from the lack of facing consequences for unacceptable behavior in their own upbringing.
    In this liberal minded Judge’s own words, she says “I don’t think you did anything other than engage in a crime of opportunity ” !
    In other words, a liberal mind excuses any behavior, untill of course it adversely affects them personally. Then it’s different !
    This liberal Judge’s mind is that of an indoctrinated child permitted to do as it pleased it’s whole life. She’s a full blown imbecile.
    This country should never allow a liberal mind to hold any sort of judicial or governmental position! Since a liberal mind has little moral control over itself, that mind cannot be allowed to have any sort of control over any body elses lives. This judge needs to be confined in a mental institution so shes not destroying other peoples lives! At the very least, her position as an official of any kind needs to be revoked immediately!

    • Frank Quevedo

      March 27, 2023 at 6:55 pm

      Damm right you are. Is she from the Soros corrupt regime. Sounds like it.

      • BYEdenIsIncompetent

        March 27, 2023 at 8:52 pm

        Fuck SoreAss and his goons 😡🖕🏻😡🖕🏻😡🖕🏻

  2. Mary Geiger

    March 26, 2023 at 10:16 am

    This is one judge who needs to share some jail/prison time with her released criminals. She is a lousy judge of character when she knows that crimes were committed and thinks the offenders are still nice persons. She’s nuttier than the offenders and an enabler.

  3. CPO Bill

    March 27, 2023 at 6:42 pm

    Sounds like the soros d a in kalifornicate!

  4. Mathew Molk

    March 27, 2023 at 9:36 pm

    Typical of the NWO Marxist (democrat) party useful idiots. — Anything to cause chaos and turmoil for the general population. In confusion there is profit,,,,for the commies, anyway.

    If you are too busy keeping your daughters from being raped yu have no time left to notice the commies are taking over the government.

  5. Sean Rickman

    March 27, 2023 at 11:23 pm

    Well,I live in the very corrupt state of Illinois and thought that Wisconsin would be a better choice.but it looks like its just another state with as many corrupt democRATS as Illinois

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