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Emails reveal how Fox News struggled to push back against Trump’s election fraud claims




  • Emails among the Murdochs and Fox News executives show how they struggled to push back against Trump’s unfounded claims of election fraud.
  • Fox News and its leaders were fearful of alienating Trump’s supporters and almost powerless to push back against his claims.
  • Fox executives expressed despair and disgust at Trump associates using the network’s platforms to spread bogus allegations of voter fraud.

Five days after the pro-Trump mob attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, a board member of Fox Corp., Anne Dias, reached out to Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch, urging them to take a stance on the matter. However, the two Murdochs were hesitant to push back against Trump’s base, who make up the network’s loyal viewers and drive profits.

Emails made public as part of Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News revealed just how Fox and its leaders struggled to push back against Trump when he began spreading unfounded claims about widespread election fraud.

The emails showed that the leadership of Fox and its star hosts were often viewed from the outside as power brokers in Republican politics, with much justification. However, in the wake of the election, they appeared fearful of alienating Trump’s supporters, almost to the point of powerlessness, court filings containing internal communications and depositions show.

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ / CC-BY-SA-3.0

The wishes of the audience – or how the network’s executives interpreted them – dictated which guests were booked, what kind of new programming was created, what correspondents could say on the air, and even which people lost their jobs, according to the details in a 212-page brief that Dominion filed in a Delaware state court.

Fox News has expressed confidence that Dominion’s claims will fall apart once their full context becomes apparent at the trial. However, as it became evident that some of Fox’s audience was turning against it after it projected President Joe Biden’s victory, and viewers started switching to hard-right alternatives like Newsmax, people inside the network scrambled to stanch the bleeding. Even as executives raised concerns about Trump to one another, they came down hard on those seen as too tough on him.

Source: Yahoo!



  1. Don

    March 2, 2023 at 8:49 am

    Since the brothers took over for the old man they’ve turned Fox to lib trash. It used to be mo “go to” news but that’ll never happen again.

    • Don

      March 2, 2023 at 8:50 am

      My “go to”

      • Colleen B

        March 3, 2023 at 9:50 am

        Not mine, I foresee them crashing and burning like CNN. They were part of the election cheat in 2020. AND DO NOT EVEN TRY AND TELL ME IT WAS A SECURE ELECTION! I still have a thinking brain and no amout of lying prpaganda will shut it down. I didn’t fall for the Russia hoax, the plandemic scam nor the lie that biden won legitimately. FOX was actually the news source that helped me to see the light they were trying to extinguish along with the rest of the fake news media. FOX and CNN can die together. Neither are any good. Neither can be trusted.

        • George William Clever

          March 3, 2023 at 2:15 pm

          Yes, Colleen and this Crystal Clear posting is in the same bag as Fox News. All we have to do is follow the money.
          In the Obama Election fraud over 99% of one Philadelphia precinct voted for Obama. Not logical nor a mathematical probability.
          The dark powers think we all are stupid. Election fraud is rampant.

  2. Doug301

    March 2, 2023 at 9:14 am

    Should have put the source first line of the article (yahoo) then I could have prevented a coronary over load. Yahoo is the most biased source that anyone can use if you want to publish a shit hit piece on Trump. Everything that comes from yahoo is twisted so badly it’s impossible to find any truth. And this article sucks mega vacuum.

  3. James V Colon

    March 3, 2023 at 6:46 am

    The only one left on Fox that I truly respect is Tucker Carlson. All the other “Talking Heads” have shown that they are spineless cowards, who are afraid to say what needs to be said about the 2020 election, as well as the disaster of Biden’s presidency. While Fox is still better than the rest of the mainstream media, they appear to be leaning further left every day. What a shame.

    • Colleen B

      March 3, 2023 at 9:52 am

      Nope. I do not even support Tucker. He bends when the heat get too hot. Trust me, he will not bring us the truth he finds in the J6 videos. He will assist in the democraps cover up that it was all staged. Tucker is actually afraid to support Trump. His spine is also weak.

  4. Charles Richard Scott

    March 3, 2023 at 7:03 am

    If it wasn’t for Tucker Carlson, Fox wouldn’t have half the followers that they have. I can see and appreciate the fact that his presence and his views are non negotiable for Fox.

  5. Charles Richard Scott

    March 3, 2023 at 7:06 am

    If it wasn’t for Tucker Carlson, Fox wouldn’t have half the followers that they have. I can see and appreciate the fact that his presence and his views are non negotiable for Fox. My post is being rejected for repetition. I have never posted content like this. What is going on?

  6. James

    March 3, 2023 at 7:47 am

    If anyone still thinks the 2020 election was fair and honest they must be possessed with deaf and blind Demons. Or they did not watch the rallies of Trumps 10,000s versus Biden’s 10. The only consolation we have is that God sets up whom He will and as His last days plans unfold we are privileged to see it!

  7. Pete C

    March 3, 2023 at 8:01 am

    HEADLINE SHOULD READ: “Reader comments reveal how they pushed back against crystal clear news biased reporting on obvious election fraud that can’t be denied.” Unfounded claims and attacks on 45th President Donald Trump have persisted for over six years. Fox News hosts, except Tucker Carlson, have proven to be wimps.

  8. Wanda

    March 3, 2023 at 8:02 am

    I use to really enjoy Fox News but now I am limited on what I view as the truth. Of course people are trying to keep their jobs and hold back on truth. But no matter “ Donald Trump” could have toned it down a bit but he never deserved as a former president to be treated the way he has. And I refuse to join the “ crowds” . Stand for what is right the benefits are endless and our country is at stake God help us!

  9. Mathew S. Molk

    March 3, 2023 at 10:58 am

    “UNFOUNDED” electron fraud claims yurass. Just one example is that a 10th grade kid could program the EEPROMs in the Soros owned electronic voting machines to record every 3d Trump vote as one for biden and then erase all such programing and re-set to “honest” tabulation when the data was downloaded and leave no trace of the original 3:1 programming. A monkey could do it.

    There is no way a senile dunderhead that hid in a basement for 6 months before an election got many votes without a LOT of cheating.

  10. Ed Kempner

    March 3, 2023 at 12:45 pm

    I stopped watching Fox , when they didn’t even mention 2000 mules, didn’t investigate it. No interviews , nothing.
    Crystal clear news , you know is liberal when they come up with terms like unfounded when we have thousands of sworn affidavits of witnesses to the cheating at the election centers and mail in ballots.

  11. DannoMan

    March 3, 2023 at 4:37 pm

    I watch more Fox than the biased writer; they dropped election corruption faster than a used rubber. Trump has been effectively banned, and the only mention is in passing from someone making another point. It has become a quietly ‘anyone but Trump’ network.

  12. Andrew

    March 3, 2023 at 8:09 pm

    Dominion is a criminal enterprise. To change the outcome of an election takes but a few presses of a button. Boom – Democrats Win. That’s the only way democrats can win elections. Cheaters, liars and criminals!

  13. Claire

    March 3, 2023 at 8:21 pm

    Drop Trump and you drop a whole lot of fox fans. We don’t need another lame stream media.

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