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GOP senator: “Not enough Democrats” to help Liz Cheney win primary




  • Wyoming Republican Sen. John Barrasso said Rep. Liz Cheney has “a lot of work to do” to win her upcoming primary.
  • Cheney is reportedly encouraging Democrats in Wyoming to switch parties to vote for her in the Aug. 16 primary.
  • According to Barrasso, “There’s really not that many Democrats out there.”

Republican Sen. John Barrasso on Sunday said he has doubts if Rep. Liz Cheney could win in Wyoming’s primary because “there are not enough Democrats” in the state to bring her to victory.

Barrasso told “Fox News Sunday,” that Cheney’s role as vice chairwoman of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol attack and her outspoken rhetoric against former President Donald Trump could be potential trouble in the race.

“Wyoming politics is very personal. It’s face-to-face. It’s town to town,” Barrasso told host Mike Emanuel. “The travel that I have done around the state, I think she has a lot of work to do if she hopes to win the primary.”

Cheney also voted to impeach Trump for his alleged role in the Jan. 6 insurrection. She is facing a number of Republican challengers, including Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman, in her bid to hold on to her seat in Wyoming’s at-large congressional district.

Last month, Cheney began encouraging Democrats to switch their party affiliation in the primary to help her win reelection. However, as Trump is floating a potential 2024 White House run, many Republicans are still loyal to the former president.

The Wyoming senator, who voted against the House panel investigating the Jan. 6 riot and against impeaching Trump, said in the interview that “this wouldn’t be the first time” Democrats switched to GOP to vote in a Republican primary.

Barrasso said, however, that he does not believe there are enough Democrats in Wyoming who might switch over for Cheney to win the primary.

“There’s really not that many Democrats out there,” the senator told Emanuel. “Even the chairman of the Democratic Party said there are not enough Democrats to do that.”

Wyoming’s GOP primary election is set for August 16.

Source: The Hill



  1. CPO Bill

    July 11, 2022 at 6:38 pm

    Deport her sorry ass to N korea!

    • Edouard d'Orange

      July 11, 2022 at 6:53 pm

      If only we could. She’s certainly NOT a Wyoming native having spent all of her life in DC and its suburbs.

  2. bruce

    July 11, 2022 at 8:00 pm

    She is where she is simply on the power of her name, not her skills and certainly not her policies. She is the definition of RINO. She might do better to just switch parties and let democrats vote for her legitimately instead of looking for people who don’t believe in anything her current party does. Somehow that seems creepy….being so politicized that you would vote in the oppositions party just to place a fake republican in place.

  3. Sean Richman

    July 11, 2022 at 8:07 pm

    Rinos really do suck,thank you for your democRATIC opinions,and that is just what they are,OPINIONS.

  4. Patty

    July 11, 2022 at 9:35 pm

    Cheyney is so desperate to hold her seat she will do ANYTHING to do so. Wyomingites are wise to her antics, so she is toast! They won’t vote for her, and demonrats won’t change party affiliation to help out a Republican! Come on Lizzy, get a grip, you are DONE!

  5. ji

    July 12, 2022 at 4:20 am

    Liz Cheney is a scumbag – just like the majority of democrat politicians in this country – she is only on the rep platform to rail against trump – she is working for that creature pelosi – Pelosi uses cheney as a sock puppet –

  6. Pam

    July 12, 2022 at 5:27 am

    How true about Pelosi. It must be terrible to live with that much hate in your heart everyday for both Pelosi and Chaney. I wouldn’t want to get up in the morning. It appears to me Cheny is just as bad as her dad. You can tell just from this fight with Cheney for her seat that all politicians only care for themselves. They aren’t running for the good of America they want power for themselves and to be important and another chance to serve in order to build up their bank account. Selfish selfish people they all are. This is why we need term limits. Can’t allow politicians to gain that much power.

  7. Roland

    July 12, 2022 at 6:53 am

    I find a lot more questions about many that claim to be republicans. Biggest question is why has this fraudulent scank not been removed from the Republican party and her spot in the primary?

  8. Leslie

    July 12, 2022 at 4:03 pm

    With the whole J6 circus shit show, a waste of taxpayers money, what and when does she have time to do anything for the people she represents? She has (like most congress representatives) forgotten who she works for!
    Like CA gov Numbnuts, his in-laws live in Montana, he showed how much he cared about CA during the horrible fires we had in late 2020. Washington State sent 2 fire crews down to help us fight the fires in N CA that we’re burning us out of our homes! Numnuts diverted those 2 crews to Montana, to protect his in-laws home! A firefighter we asked, is this true? He said unfortunately yes, we could have used their help.
    Now I know these crews have to be paid for, taxpayers money of course, but is this right for us to pay for help we didn’t get? Numnuts should have had to pay from his own pockets!
    Unfortunately when we tried to recall this POS there are still to many brainwashed idiots that vote for liberal scum that care only for themselves and not for the people. CA does have many decent people who can think for themselves, just not quite enough to turn the tide away from selfish liberals, especially them in Hollywood that still push the racist/hate addenda…..

    • Leslie

      July 12, 2022 at 4:19 pm

      BTW: Nancy Pelosi is Numnuts ‘s aunt! He’s looking forward to a shot at POTUS, god help us!

      His 12 yr old daughter is also white privileged, SHE DOESN’T need to get the “COVID POISON SHOT!
      Though how many in this administration actually have, most probably only had pretend, placebos due to not enough testing and uncertainty of future problems!

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