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Trump Takes a Leap in Polls Over DeSantis



Knowledge Nuggets:

  • According to a Morning Consult poll, former President Donald Trump leads the Republican primary field by a significant 43-point margin over his closest potential competitor.
  • The poll shows 61% of potential Republican primary voter respondents support Trump for the nomination, while 18% back Gov. Ron DeSantis, who hasn’t yet declared candidacy.
  • Both Trump and DeSantis supporters favor each other as their second choice, with 43% and 44% support respectively.

Former President Donald Trump continues to exert considerable influence over the Republican primary field, leading his closest potential competitor by a substantial 43-point margin, according to a recent Morning Consult poll. This dominance illustrates the enduring appeal of Trump among potential Republican primary voters, with a commanding 61% expressing their support for his nomination.

The next closest potential contender, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, garners only 18% backing, despite not officially declaring his candidacy. This latest poll shows a widening gap between Trump and DeSantis, with Trump’s lead increasing by 2 points since last week.

Interestingly, Trump and DeSantis supporters demonstrate reciprocal favorability, each favoring the other as their second choice by 43% and 44% respectively. No other potential candidate has managed to achieve double-digit support in the latest poll, with former Vice President Mike Pence trailing in third place at 6%.

In potential general election match-ups, the poll indicates a close race between the top-performing Republicans and President Joe Biden. Trump trails Biden by a small margin, while DeSantis is similarly closely positioned. As the 2024 election approaches, the Republican primary is shaping up to be a fascinating race.

Clear Thoughts:

The recent Morning Consult poll paints a clear picture: former President Donald Trump’s influence within the Republican party remains formidable. With a commanding 43-point lead over the closest potential competitor, Trump’s dominance isn’t just impressive; it’s a testament to his enduring appeal amongst conservative voters.

What’s more, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who hasn’t even declared his candidacy, is in second place with 18% support. This is a clear indication of the Republican voters’ preference for leadership that isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo and stand up for conservative principles.

What strikes me the most, however, is the mutual second-choice preference between Trump and DeSantis supporters. This suggests that both leaders embody a political ethos that resonates deeply with Republican voters. It’s a style that is bold, unapologetic, and rooted in conservative values.

Nevertheless, the real race will take shape when we see the top-performing Republicans go head-to-head with President Biden in the general election. The poll suggests a close contest, regardless of whether Trump or DeSantis is the Republican nominee. This signifies a competitive and exciting race ahead, as each candidate will be compelled to outline a clear vision for America’s future.




  1. Rod Greenman

    May 21, 2023 at 6:54 am

    This is all BS!There will be NO 2024 election.The Digital currency,and illegals will destroy us way before that ever happens.

  2. James V Colon

    May 21, 2023 at 7:01 am

    I’m really surprised that this is any kind of recent news. Trump has held a respectable lead over DeSantis since polling for the 2024 Presidential race began. DeSantis is a good man and a great Governor for the State of Florida, but Trump always has and always will be the preferred Presidential candidate. All DeSantis and the others choosing to run against Trump are going to do is make themselves look foolish when Trump blows them out of the water in the Primaries. In spite of the fact that the Left and their media friends have bombarded us with propaganda and lies about Trump for the past seven years, he remains the preferred candidate.

  3. Sammy

    May 21, 2023 at 8:46 am

    I wish Trump and DeSantis would make a solemn pact to run together as president and VP. What a powerful force that would be. They could agree to work together as a team on every issue. When they run against each other they cancel each other out. We need them both now as our country is in such peril from the left and our most powerful enemy, China. It wouldn’t matter who was in which position. They would be unstoppable.

    • Political prisoner

      May 21, 2023 at 9:19 am

      Sorry, Sammy, two Alpha males, one of whom is an out and out RINO with roots in the House when traitor Ryan was there would not make a good team. There is no better option than PRESIDENT Trump to lead this country out of the disgraceful, disgusting mess it’s in at the hands of the DEMONrats and RINOs. He had done it before and now is even wiser to the filthy evil of the Deep State, Establishment Elites.

    • Shelba Herring

      May 22, 2023 at 1:23 am

      totally agree, this would also set DeSantis up for president in 2028

    • Peter O'Connor

      May 22, 2023 at 2:22 am

      Was DeSactis selected at Yale College to membership in Skull & Bones?

    • cozycalico

      May 22, 2023 at 7:43 am

      I have been saying that for a long time now. The two of them together would be unstoppable.Trump deserves his 2nd term and then DeSantis would be ready to step right up in 2028.they need to stop attacking each other and get together for the good of our country. I’m waiting to see which one is first to step up and offer the olive branch and get this team moving.It makes no difference which one as long as it gets done. Pray people pray!!!

  4. Doug Litchfield

    May 21, 2023 at 9:05 am

    Despicable liars and cheaters that try to flood polls every other day with a revised version of pedo Joe’s miraculous rebound to 40% approval rating can’t cipher the results of their own polls. Less then 10% approval tells me he is a miserable failure. And much of that number has been pencil whipped. One heck of a stain on such a pristine resume.

  5. sg

    May 21, 2023 at 10:23 am

    LOL Seriously…Is Biden even a contender? REALLY? Are there “Americans?” who would really vote for that bumbling idiot after they’ve seen his performance over the last three years? Has our country reall become that dumbed down?

  6. Peter O'Connor

    May 22, 2023 at 2:20 am

    The 2024 election will be rigged by CIA, FBI and DoJ to ensure they save themselves from prosecution. Anybody who doubts this is blind.

  7. Jeremy

    May 31, 2023 at 3:21 pm

    A poll can say whatever the pollster wants it to say. They just have to be selective of who they poll.

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