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Whistleblower Testifies Hunter Biden Crimes Suppressed By Justice Dept.



Knowledge Nuggets:

  • IRS whistleblowers testified before the House Ways and Means Committee that Hunter Biden evaded $2.2 million in tax payments. They also alleged that evidence against Biden was suppressed by the Justice Department.
  • Delaware US Attorney David Weiss reportedly attempted to bring charges against Biden in both the District of Columbia and Southern California, but was denied on both occasions. These refusals contradict sworn testimony by Attorney General Merrick Garland.
  • Weiss also tried to be appointed a special counsel in the case in spring 2022, but this was also refused. Earlier this week, Hunter Biden accepted a plea deal for two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay taxes on over $3 million in income from 2017 and 2018.

In a recent hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee, IRS whistleblowers brought forth explosive allegations against the Justice Department, accusing it of burying evidence that implicated Hunter Biden in evading $2.2 million in tax payments. The testimonies, coming amidst swirling controversy around the first son, have cast a new light on the justice system’s handling of the case.

The whistleblowers further revealed that Delaware US Attorney David Weiss had made unsuccessful attempts to bring charges against Biden in the District of Columbia and Southern California. Weiss had also sought appointment as a special counsel in the case in spring 2022, which was also denied. These revelations contradict Attorney General Merrick Garland’s previous sworn testimony regarding the independence and authority granted to Weiss in pursuing the case.

Earlier this week, Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay taxes on income exceeding $3 million for the years 2017 and 2018. Despite the serious nature of the allegations, critics argue that the plea deal represents a mere “slap on the wrist.”

As the testimonies by IRS whistleblowers resonate within the walls of the House Ways and Means Committee, they raise profound questions about the fairness of tax enforcement and the impartiality of the justice system.

Clear Thoughts:

As conservatives, we champion the rule of law, fairness, and equal treatment under the law. However, the recent allegations brought forward by IRS whistleblowers about the Justice Department’s handling of the Hunter Biden case are concerning, suggesting a different rulebook for those who occupy privileged positions in society.

According to these whistleblowers, evidence against Hunter Biden, who reportedly evaded $2.2 million in tax payments, was suppressed. Further, they state that David Weiss, Delaware US Attorney, was denied his attempts to bring charges against Biden in the District of Columbia and Southern California. Weiss was also refused when he sought to be appointed a special counsel in the case in 2022.

Contrary to what Attorney General Merrick Garland testified under oath, it appears Weiss didn’t have the full authority to pursue the case as he deemed necessary. The divergence between sworn testimony and the whistleblowers’ accounts raises serious questions about transparency and accountability within our justice system.

Earlier this week, Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts related to his failure to pay taxes on over $3 million in income earned in 2017 and 2018. Critics have called this plea deal a mere “slap on the wrist,” causing us to question whether there are different standards of justice depending on one’s standing in society.





  1. Gerald Scott Ladd

    June 26, 2023 at 12:45 pm

    We know all of this, yet we have criminals in the WH leading our country. In a just world, they’d be rotting in prison.

  2. PurePurple

    June 29, 2023 at 10:56 am

    To see the Biden’s getting away with all of these lies, the proof is there that they committed these crimes, but are being held back because the DOJ and the FBI are protecting these criminals. It’s a disgrace to our country and we all should be enraged. The Biden family has lied continually for many decades and it never stops. This is not what our country needs for a leader. The Biden’s need to be convicted and jailed plus fined several millions of dollars that they got from other countries from back dooring it. Republicans keep pushing for justice, you owe this to the people!

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