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Biden Stumbles, Sparks Panic in First 2024 Debate Against Trump



Clear Facts

  • Democrats and left-wing journalists expressed a deep sense of panic and concern following President Joe Biden’s performance in the first 2024 presidential debate against former President Donald Trump.
  • Many commented on Biden’s stuttering responses and demeanor, with ex-blogger Chris Cillizza stating it was a “total and complete disaster” for the President.
  • Several high-profile figures, including columnist Nicholas Kristof and former Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang, suggested it might be time for Biden to step down from the race.

The aftermath of the first rematch debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election has sent shockwaves through the Democratic party. Biden’s performance, defined by indecisive responses and personal attacks on his opponent, has sparked a wave of concern among Democrats and left-wing journalists.

Meanwhile, Trump, often characterized by his combative style, seemed to benefit from the debate’s format. The lack of a live audience, along with silenced microphones, prevented his typical interruptions, granting him a more grounded presence.

Biden’s struggle to articulate clear and concise responses in the quietude of the room was palpable. The former president, on the other hand, maintained a steady composure, often just standing and smiling as Biden appeared to buckle under pressure.

Chris Cillizza, a former left-wing blogger, shared his thoughts on Twitter: “Look. This debate was a total and complete disaster for Biden. He looked old. His answers trailed off repeatedly. He was hard to understand. He would stop in mid sentence and move on to something else. I NEVER thought he would be this bad. Stunning. Truly.”

Maria Shriver, a member of the prominent Kennedy family, expressed her disappointment with these words: “I love Joe Biden. I know he’s a good man. I know his heart is good. I know he’s dedicated to our country and is surrounded by good people. Tonight was heartbreaking in many ways. This is a big political moment. There’s panic in the Democratic party. It’s going to be a long night.”

Respected journalist Yashar Ali voiced his concern, noting that not one of the numerous Democratic operatives, elected officials, staffers, and donors he had been in contact with felt good about Biden’s performance that evening.

Columnist Amy Walter also registered her dismay, saying: “Remember, the whole reason Biden wanted this debate was to show a contrast with Trump and to make this a referendum on Trump. Instead, the only thing we’re talking about is Biden’s poor performance.”

Adding fuel to the fire, columnist Nicholas Kristof suggested that Biden should consider withdrawing from the race, opening up the nomination to other potential candidates: “I wish Biden would reflect on this debate performance and then announce his decision to withdraw from the race… Someone like Gretchen Whitmer or Sherrod Brown or Gina Raimondo could still jump in and beat Trump.”

Andrew Yang, a former Democratic presidential and mayoral candidate, called for a change in the ticket: “Look I debated Joe 7 times in 2020. He’s a different guy in 2024. #swapJoeout”


In such times of unrest and trepidation within the Democratic party, only the future can tell the course of this election.

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.




  1. Ruff

    June 30, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    Sadly, Biden is exhibiting all the signs of dementia. Obama needs to find a new puppet.

  2. Sagebrush

    June 30, 2024 at 7:50 pm

    Like they say – Obama brought you Donald Trump. Joe Biden brought him back.

  3. David lomax

    June 30, 2024 at 7:56 pm

    “Someone like Gretchen Whitmer or Sherrod Brown or Gina Raimondo could still jump in and beat Trump.”
    I’m a second-term elected official in the Midwest, serve on the regional party committee, and I had to do a Google Search to see who these three names were!
    Approximately ZERO name recognition outside the beltway. Newsom is about the only familiar name in flyover country, and his reputation is that of a liberal looney from the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes. The ‘D’ party has tilted so far left that the ‘R’s are now where the ‘D’s were, and their gaslighting and ‘RMJ’ behavior is going to cost them dearly.


    June 30, 2024 at 9:45 pm

    LOL! Why were the libbies so surprised?? We knew Joke Biden was failed years ago. They need to turn off the morons of The View and Madcow and turn on Fox.

    • Patti

      July 1, 2024 at 7:14 am

      I’m not surprised that they’re surprised.
      We’ve All seen this unfolding for several years. Dementia doesn’t just go away.

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