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Massive Brawl Erupts in Alabama Over Boat Dispute [Video]



Clear Facts:

  • A massive brawl erupted at Riverfront Park in Montgomery, Ala., on Saturday, stemming from a dispute about a moored boat. Videos of the altercation spread rapidly on social media.
  • Multiple individuals were detained by authorities, with charges pending. Montgomery Mayor Steven L. Reed promised justice, particularly for the riverboat employee initially attacked.
  • While Montgomery has significant historical racial context, it’s unclear if race played a role in the altercation. Another notable brawl occurred in Las Vegas in July near poker tables at the Encore at Wynn venue.

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Tensions boiled over Saturday evening at Montgomery’s Riverfront Park when a disagreement about a moored boat led to a massive brawl, with videos of the altercation quickly gaining traction on social media platforms, including TikTok.

Eyewitnesses captured videos from several angles, showcasing the origin of the dispute: a riverboat employee engaged in a heated argument with two other individuals.

The conflict rapidly intensified as more people joined in, with some participants getting thrown into the water and others struck with chairs.

In one moment, a man jumped from a nearby boat to swim over and participate in the fray.

The video may be disturbing to some viewers:

Authorities responded to the disturbance around 7 p.m., resulting in several detentions. As of now, charges are pending, and the names of the individuals involved have not been made public.

One particularly harrowing video clip showed a woman on the ground, moments before a chair was forcefully brought down on her head. Law enforcement officials on-site detained the assailant.

Montgomery Mayor Steven L. Reed addressed the situation in a Sunday statement, asserting that justice would be administered.

He emphasized the initial attack on the riverboat employee, praising the Montgomery Police Department for their prompt response.

“The Montgomery Police Department acted swiftly to detain several reckless individuals for attacking a man who was doing his job,” Reed noted.

Though the brawl appeared to involve large groups of both white and black individuals, it remains unclear if racial tensions played a role.

Montgomery holds a significant place in U.S. racial history, notably as the location where Rosa Parks was arrested, leading to the seminal Montgomery bus boycott.

Disturbances like these, unfortunately, aren’t uncommon on social media.

Another incident in July showcased a brawl among a group of women near poker tables at Las Vegas’ upscale Encore at Wynn venue.




  1. The Rebel

    August 9, 2023 at 8:34 am

    Uncivilized animals doing what they know———————–some are just untrainable !!!!

  2. Doc R

    August 9, 2023 at 10:52 am

    Iggernay hitting a white woman with a chair and some moron says race wasn’t involved, BS. Time we start locking these thugs up and throw away the key. Stop pussyfooting around and call this crap what it is, black infused racism.

  3. Jerome Henderson

    August 9, 2023 at 11:38 am

    No doubt in my mind it’s all the fault of one Barack Obama, better known as Barry Soetero, for intentionally destroying race relations in the USA by pitting black against white people. Same thing Biden is doing.

  4. 1PatriotForever

    August 10, 2023 at 9:46 pm


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