The Left Lied—And They Knew It All Along

Clear Facts
- The left has been accused of knowingly spreading falsehoods about the origins of COVID-19 and the Steele dossier to protect their interests and discredit opponents.
- Claims about Hunter Biden’s laptop being Russian disinformation were allegedly fabricated, despite the FBI having verified its authenticity before the 2020 election.
- The Biden administration is criticized for its handling of the southern border and immigration, with accusations of deliberately allowing illegal immigration for political gain.
For years, the left has been accused of peddling falsehoods for partisan gain, fully aware of their deceit. Once the origins of COVID-19 were linked to a Chinese virology lab, the left swiftly targeted anyone suggesting Chinese culpability, branding them as “incompetent, racist, and conspiratorial.”
Despite the devastating impact of COVID-19, with a million American lives lost and millions more suffering long-term effects, the left-wing media and the Biden administration continued to dismiss any lab-origin theories. These narratives were allegedly crafted to shield those implicated in funding the virus’s origins, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins.
The Biden administration’s approach to the lab theory was also used to mock a supposed pro-Trump “conspiracy.” Western corporate interests with ties to China were keen to deflect blame from their partners, who were responsible for widespread devastation.
As Joe Biden assumed the presidency, it became apparent that he was not physically or mentally fit for the role. His presidency was seen as a facade, allowing hard-left agendas to be pushed under the guise of a moderate leader. His administration was criticized for its handling of international affairs, immigration, and the economy, leading to significant national challenges.
By 2017, it was clear that the Christopher Steele dossier was a fabrication, designed to undermine Donald Trump’s campaign and presidency. “No sane person ever believed that Hunter Biden’s laptop was the work of ‘Russian disinformation.'” The FBI had verified the laptop’s contents long before the 2020 election, yet the narrative of Russian interference was perpetuated by figures like future Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.
These falsehoods were bolstered by 51 discredited former intelligence authorities, who claimed the laptop was likely fake. Their deception worked, with Biden using these lies to dismiss the laptop’s incriminating contents during a presidential debate. This narrative helped Biden secure the 2020 election, as Trump was portrayed as a puppet of Vladimir Putin.
The Biden administration’s handling of the southern border has also come under fire. Despite claiming a lack of power to control the influx of illegal immigrants, the administration’s policies have been seen as deliberately encouraging illegal immigration. The media’s narrative that “comprehensive immigration reform” was necessary to enforce existing laws further obscured the administration’s intentions.
The left’s lies have caused deep divisions within the country and inflicted lasting damage on the U.S. The individuals behind these falsehoods have neither apologized nor faced legal consequences. The legacy media’s reputation has been irreparably tarnished, and the Biden administration is likely to be remembered as one of the most dishonest in modern history.
Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.

March 22, 2025 at 5:15 am
The left caters to a different audience, one that is profoundly DUMB. They won’t change their news outlets to learn ‘the truth’. They stick to what they think is tried and true; the legacy news. AND…they believe anything their leaders tell them. Anything. Democrats are incredibly stupid people. Common sense eludes them.
Cheryl Lund
March 22, 2025 at 5:48 am
Agree with you a 1000 percent
March 24, 2025 at 9:36 am
Spot on!
March 22, 2025 at 7:06 am
The left would not know if the truth hit them in the face. They should get out of their glass houses and wake up.
Ranch Hand
March 22, 2025 at 7:58 am
What a surprise! Who would ever have imagined that the America hating, mentally ill liberals would lie? I bet you are next going to say that they are corrupt and have been stealing tax payers money for years? Oh yeah Doge already found that. Big question is WHO keeps electing these career criminal political hacks?
March 22, 2025 at 8:16 am
The dead, illegals, and themselves thousands of times over! Just like when bidumb was “elected”, back in 2020. Nobody in reality believes he received 81 million legit votes. That’s how everyone on the left wins elections. This is their form of democracy; CHEAT TO WIN.
D. Elwood
March 22, 2025 at 6:25 pm
I remember hearing the phrase in the Philly area in 2020 “vote early, vote often”. Seems those 81 million votes came out of thin air!
March 22, 2025 at 9:28 am
Actually mentally ill is only the tip of the iceberg. Liberals, in America’s case, are reprobates. According to all dictionaries a reprobate is an evil, morally unprincipled person who is destined to damnation with absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever. Sounds exactly like every democrat I have ever met.
March 22, 2025 at 8:00 am
The only way to totally shutdown the left extremist is to go hard and heavy after their money sources and the politicians from any party. Charge them with treason &/or sedition, arrest them, prosecute them, and if found guilty publicly execute them. Otherwise why should they stop? They don’t face any consequences for their actions and deeds, plus they live the luxurious lifestyle. Just look at the evidence against them and none are in prison or being executed for treason/sedition!
March 22, 2025 at 9:40 am
Absolutely spot on. I keep wondering why those 51 former intelligence workers who signed a letter stating Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop was Russian disinformation are not being charged with “election tampering” since that was the only intent of their action ?? They deserve far more than to have their security clearances revoked and/or being fired. Same for Hillary Clinton’s direct involvement with the Steele dossier. The DNC paid for it to be fabricated. Now that the corrupt Bidumb administration is mostly gone why aren’t these people dealt with in the only way appropriate for their crimes ?? Criminals left unpunished are likely to do it again. We need serious, concrete deterrents. General George Washington knew exactly what needed to be done with traitors swiftly and permanently. Anything less should be unacceptable.
March 22, 2025 at 5:48 pm
ALL of the Deep State FBI Democrats and State employees who had security clearances have been stripped away and they should stand trial as traitors! Their signing that letter burying Hunters laptop stole Trumps election and we have paid dearly helplessly watching as Biden imported several million unvetted foreigners hoping they would elect him. Their signing Democrats are not good Americans. Vote to remove the anti-American party and never let them run this Country again.