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SNL Stint Signals Shift from Wokeness And Even Validates Conservative Views



Clear Facts

  • Sydney Sweeney’s hosting of Saturday Night Live (SNL) resulted in a marginal boost in viewership, but a 16% drop in the key 18-49 demographic, according to Nielsen Ratings.
  • Despite the ratings, clips from the episode went viral on social media, with viewers particularly enjoying Sweeney’s opening monologue and the Hooters sketch.
  • The success of Sweeney’s episode, and the backlash against “wokeness” it represents, is seen as a validation of conservative views on American life and values.

In the year 2024, traditional TV ratings are no longer the sole determinants of a show’s success. Instead, the “vibe” a show brings, and its ability to generate online discourse, are the new benchmarks.

This shift was evident during Sydney Sweeney’s recent hosting of Saturday Night Live (SNL). Despite the show’s ratings not being as high as expected, the episode went viral, a rarity for a show that has been criticized for repetitive Donald Trump jokes.

“Clips from the episode went viral on social media, and even gained traction on traditional cable news. Viewers couldn’t get enough of her opening monologue as well as the obligatory Hooters sketch — both of which were uncharacteristically quite funny for SNL.”

A 17-second clip of Sweeney’s goodnight sign-off, in a tasteful little black dress, garnered over 58 million viewers on X. Some even claimed that the episode, which focused on Sweeney’s attractiveness, signaled the death of wokeness in America.

While it may not definitively mark the end of wokeness, Sweeney’s episode certainly indicates a growing dissatisfaction with its influence on American life and values. SNL’s decision to have Sweeney, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed knockout with a Christian upbringing, host the show is seen as a strategic move to appeal to this sentiment.

“Sweeney, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed knockout from the Heartland with a Christian upbringing and at least some MAGA-adjacent family members, is everything the woke left believes is wrong with America.”

The left’s insistence on redefining beauty and success, and its celebration of “ugliness and falseness,” has led to a cultural shift that many Americans are uncomfortable with. This is evident in the rise of the “big is beautiful” craze and the wokeness-driven revamps of brands like Victoria’s Secret.

“Victoria’s Secret swapped the angels for wokeness and Megan Rapinoe, it backfired. Now they are ditching prioritizing wokeness over ‘sexiness’ after sales drop.”

The left’s attack on excellence and its denial of objective truths, such as the fact that some people are more attractive or successful than others, is increasingly being rejected by the public. This was demonstrated by the popularity of Sweeney’s SNL episode, which challenged the left’s narrative.

“But give Americans a dose of Sydney Sweeney, and the house of cards comes crashing down.”

Conservatives have long argued against the left’s redefinition of beauty and success. SNL’s decision to have Sweeney host the show is seen as a tacit acceptance of these conservative views, driven by the desire to boost the show’s record low ratings.

“Conservatives have been saying this all along, but mainstream cultural arbiters like SNL are just now coming to accept it out of pure self-interest.”

Despite this, SNL’s continued adherence to stale leftist narratives means that the show is unlikely to see a significant improvement in its ratings. As the saying goes, “Men cannot be women, beauty is real, excellence exists, pin ups are not a function of the vile patriarchy — and SNL still sucks, despite its attempt to glom onto these real things.”

Clear Thoughts (op-ed)

Sydney Sweeney’s recent hosting of SNL demonstrated that the left’s redefinition of beauty and success doesn’t resonate with the majority of Americans. The popularity of her episode and the viral response to her opening monologue and Hooters sketch revealed a growing dissatisfaction with wokeness and its influence on American life and values.

SNL’s decision to have Sweeney, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed stunner with a Christian upbringing, host the show is a strategic move to appeal to the sentiment against wokeness. This move can be seen as a tacit acceptance of conservative views, which have long argued against the left’s denial of objective truths, such as the fact that some people are more attractive or successful than others.

Despite this, SNL’s continued adherence to stale leftist narratives means that the show is unlikely to see a significant improvement in its ratings. The success of Sweeney’s episode, however, is a clear indication that Americans are rejecting the left’s attack on excellence and its celebration of “ugliness and falseness.”

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.




  1. CandygramForMongo

    March 7, 2024 at 7:03 am

    Yeah, they’ve changed their ways! And that zebra now has spots instead of stripes! Like my ex wife, I’ll say what you want to hear to get you to stay and then I’ll go back to my old ways of being a cunt!!!

  2. Linde Barrera

    March 7, 2024 at 11:50 am

    This article is spot-on. Thank you for it. And if SNL continues to make fun of President Donald J. Trump and refuses to make fun of President Joe Biden, then most people who watch SNL will see a clear prejudice against a businessman/US Constitutionalist who is not a politician. So each viewer of SNL must ask themselves: is comedy designed to only poke fun at certain people and only 1 defined ideology such as American conservatism? And perhaps writing a polite complaint letter or email to the executives of NBC might be helpful in exposing this issue too.

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