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Democrat Mayor Excludes White People From Festive Gathering



Clear Facts

  • Boston’s Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu invited only “elected members of color” to a small holiday party, excluding the seven white members of the 13-member city council.
  • The invitation was sent by Director of City Council Relations Denise DosSantos, who later apologized for accidentally inviting the white members, but not for the racially exclusive nature of the event.
  • While some leftists praised the decision, City Councilor Frank Baker, a white Democrat, criticized the move as “unfortunate and divisive.”

Boston’s Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu, of Asian descent, recently sent out invitations to a small holiday party. However, the invitations were not extended to all members of the city council, but only to the “elected members of color.” This move has been seen by many as a clear indication of the Democrats’ blatant anti-white sentiment and a desire to return to segregation.

The 13-member city council is comprised of seven white members and six members of color. The invitation, sent by Director of City Council Relations Denise DosSantos, stated, “Honorable Members: On behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu, I cordially invite you and a guest to the Electeds of Color Holiday Party on Wednesday, December 13th at 5:30 at the Parkman House.”

However, just 15 minutes after the email was sent, Wu’s aide realized that the invitation had been mistakenly sent to the seven white council members. DosSantos then issued an apology and rescinded their invitations. The apology, however, did not address the racially exclusive nature of the party, but rather the confusion caused by the accidental inclusion of the white members.

DosSantos told the council members, “I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow. I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.”

While some were appalled by the segregationist move, others on the left praised Wu’s decision. They argued that creating specific spaces for different groups was not unusual and that the mayor’s decision was commendable. They saw no need for an apology.

“This is no different…” said one left-wing official, who seemed indifferent to the fact that the excluded members were part of the Democratic party.

City Councilor Frank Baker, a white Democrat, criticized the move as “unfortunate and divisive.”

He said, “I don’t really get offended too easily. To offend me, you’re going to have to do much more than not invite me to a party.”

He added, “I find it unfortunate that with the temperature the way it is, that we would further that division.”

The same leftists who often accuse Republicans of racism are now openly promoting segregation. They have been attempting to normalize anti-white sentiment for years, and it seems to have reached a point where they see no issue with it. They rationalize their prejudice under the guise of promoting “diversity.”

The mainstream media has largely ignored this blatant discrimination. However, if a white Republican had hosted a whites-only party, the narrative would likely be very different. There would be widespread outrage, and the host could potentially face legal consequences for “hate crimes.”

The question remains: when will this lunacy end?

Clear Thoughts (op-ed)

In a stunning display of blatant discrimination, Boston’s Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu has chosen to exclude white members of her city council from a holiday party.

This isn’t a misstep, but a clear, divisive choice that further fractures our society. The left’s hypocrisy is evident; they accuse conservatives of racism while openly endorsing segregation.

Instead of championing unity and equality, they promote division in the name of ‘diversity.’ They’ve normalized anti-white sentiment to the point where it’s accepted without question.

The mainstream media’s silence on this issue is deafening. If a white Republican had hosted a racially exclusive party, the outrage would be national news.

When will we stop this madness and return to the principles of unity and fairness that our nation was built upon?

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.




  1. Richard P

    December 25, 2023 at 6:56 pm

    Just goes to show on how the Democratic Party intends to control the country if they win both Senate and the House. They supported and propagated segregation after the Civil War and continue it in another form in the present day. We the people should disband both parties and start over before another Civil War is started!!!

  2. Matt Lechner

    December 25, 2023 at 6:56 pm

    Including, or excluding people to public events or regarding business activity, education, art and culture events, music – all that kind of stugg – it’s just unbelievable and a public official would do that (based on race, gender, etc). What’s wrong with you, lady ? It’s past “not nice” it’s in the zzone of “seriously not nice” and “really wrong”.

  3. Stephen

    December 25, 2023 at 6:59 pm

    Impeach her racist black rear.

  4. Herbert Drew

    December 25, 2023 at 7:05 pm

    Wu should be impeached and kicked ut of office. If this had been a white mayor it would have been a nationalhave been a national disgrace issue and the mayor woould have been impeeached immediately


    December 25, 2023 at 7:15 pm


  6. Robert Gimber

    December 25, 2023 at 8:02 pm

    Next holiday the council members have a party and make sure you list it “Whites Only” It’ll be on the headlines of every outlet in the U.S. Then just bring up this “Racist Mayors” party the year before. People of “Color” Do you mean Colored ? I guess that’s what the “C” in NAACP stands for ?

  7. Gary N Christie

    December 25, 2023 at 10:28 pm

    Wow Boston ! , way to go ! , I hope you are proud of being Racist !

  8. Linda A Morgan

    December 26, 2023 at 12:48 pm

    I am not surprised this would happen with a Democratic Mayor. If they want segregation, then let them have it. I wonder how MLK would think about this? We must follow their example and have white’s only spaces and parties. Wonder how they would feel about that. Idiots. Being a Dem sure does show how liberalism is a disease.

  9. Gail Deshields

    December 26, 2023 at 3:17 pm

    If you are not going to invite everybody, then don’t invite anybody, simple as that!

  10. Go Woke Go Broke America

    January 4, 2024 at 11:17 pm

    Demonrats have always been the party of ignorant hate and racism I realized that after JFK’s assassination then MLK assassination how these leftist turned to haters about everything and it has just gotten worse over the years look at these constant losers they invented it leftist racist card carrying hates! But then in 2008 something amazing happened they totally lose it Barack Obama won the real racism began and it just got worse as this person was in office the decline of America because of haters! Their wokeism broke them then America got someone who wasn’t one of them and they all went nuts the hate has been palpable beyond belief! The demonrats party is and always has been the party of segregation and racism they think their better than everybody! Their the ones who defunded the police, they say artifacts is a peaceful organized group that love to destroy just look at organ washindone, chiciage, new yuk,californikate buston,ma, and all the other blue high crime states and every DA in these high crime state have atty gens and DA’s that are bought and paid for ho’s of George the hater of America soros the nazi! Biden sold out Americans to commie China, the WHO and the UN that’s what’s running this show every nation that has always hated America! And them demonrats sold us out!

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